mutual-aid text across bay bridgeMutual Aid is the voluntary reciprocal exchange of resources and services for mutual benefit.

Across the bay area, people have risen to meet the current pandemic head on: organizing community food programs, building tenant associations, striking for workers’ rights, delivering food and medicine to their neighbors, standing in solidarity with the most marginalized, and demanding freedom and justice for those most impacted by the crisis.

With this in mind – we present a growing list of mutual aid and COVID-19 community resources in the bay area and across the greater Northern California region.

We will be updating this list as more groups organize and collective resources become available.

COVID-19 Bay Area Links & Portals

A collection of various online bay area mutual aid hubs. This includes a easy to use Wiki page, a handy regional map, a searchable website, and a variety of spread sheets that have a vast amount of resources you can find useful.

Specific Needs and Impacted Front line Communities:

This section is broken down by directly impacted communities and direct needs.

African-American Community:

Asian-American Community:



Housing & Tenant’s Rights:

Houseless Resources:

Mental Health:

SRO Residents:

Survivors of Violence:


Disability Justice:

Immigrant Community:



Bay Area Mutual Aid By Region & City:

Here’s a blow by blow of mutual aid projects and initiatives throughout the bay area and Northern California. Find a projects near you and plug-in!

Contra Costa County:

San Francisco:

South San Francisco:

El Cerrito:







South Bay:

Bay Area Grassroots Organizations:

Here are some local organizations and non-profits which are mobilizing during the current crisis.

Many in the U.S. are despairing over the Trump administration’s inaction and fumbling in the face of the pandemic  But political scientist Alex Gourevitch cautions that we should be careful what we wish for.  He discusses the imposition of authoritarian measures around the world, treating democracy as a luxury in the time of coronavirus. Resources: … Continued

0:08 – Mondays with Mitch: what’s happening with the coronavirus relief bill, the ongoing tug-of-war between Congress and the Department of the Treasury – Congressional Republicans obstructing relief efforts – and when the next COVID-19 bill is coming. 0:34 – Q&A: Ask a public health expert Jay Levy, MD is a professor of medicine and … Continued

As the United States surpasses the coronavirus death toll of any country in the world with more than 22,000 dead, we look how President Trump led the country to this point with Eric Lipton, lead author of The New York Times’s explosive new exposé, “He Could Have Seen What Was Coming: Behind Trump’s Failure on … Continued

0:08 – Unprecedented unemployment: 6.6 million people filed for unemployment in the US in the week ending April 4th Steven Pitts (@steven72853) is Associate Chair at the UC Berkeley Center for Labor Research and Education. 0:15 – COVID-19 is taking its toll among First Nations people across the US – exposing prior health, infrastructure and … Continued