Dear KPFA Listener,
KPFA wants to know what YOU think!
As part of keeping our station vital and relevant for you, we need to know what YOU want to hear on KPFA.
- What shows are important to you?
- What would you like to hear more of?
- Is there anything you’d like to hear less of?
- Do you hear things you no longer find relevant?
- Can you suggest shows, or topics, or points of view you hear elsewhere that you wish were offered on KPFA?
- What ideas do you have on how we can make KPFA better?
We’d also welcome feedback on your experience of our website or other technology you use to access our content.
Send your thoughts to [email protected] or call and leave us voicemail at
510-848-6767, ext 622.
If you would like your voicemail or email to be treated as a testimonial and considered for broadcast or for display on our website, please state so clearly.
Thank you for helping KPFA continue and thrive!!