Welcome to the KPFA Local Station Board Home Page

The Local Station Board (LSB) is the governing board for KPFA. Established by the Pacifica Foundation bylaws, local station boards exist at each of the five network sister stations.

About the Local Station Board

KPFA, was the first listener-sponsored, community radio station in the United States. It has endured fierce struggles to preserve autonomy and its mission of peace and social justice. The LSB has specific powers and duties enumerated in the Pacifica Foundation bylaws. These include approving the annual station budget; interviewing and screening candidates for key station management positions; communicating with listeners; providing a forum through which listeners can engage with the station; ensuring that the station is responsive to the communities served; and in general striving to meet the ideals of social justice and democracy envisioned by the founders of Pacifica.

Local station boards are composed of 18 members elected from the general listenership, plus 6 members elected from the paid and unpaid staff of the station. The board also includes the station general manager as an ex-officio member. LSB terms of office are 3 years and are staggered: half the members are elected one year, the other half the next year, and elections are not held in the third year. Listeners must be KPFA members in order to vote in station board elections. Becoming a member is easy: all it takes is a contribution of $25 or more per year. We encourage all listeners to join and have a voice in their station.

The local station board elects 4 representatives (three listener members plus one staff member) to the Pacifica National Board every year. The Pacifica National Board sets policies for the network as a whole. Members of the LSB may help support the station through fund raising and outreach. In addition, members also volunteer or are appointed to standing committees of the Pacifica National Board.

Local station board members are called “delegates or members,” while those elected to the national board are called “directors.” A complete description of the Pacifica governance system is detailed in the Pacifica bylaws.

KPFA Local Station Board Members:

  • Listener members
    Sharon Adams: Vice Chair
    Emma Auer
    Daniel Borgstrom
    Donna Carter
    Michael Cheng
    Brian Crowell
    Cheryl Davila
    Fred Dodsworth
    Donald Goldmacher
    Leslie Howard
    Zack Kaldveer
    Lily Kimura: Chair
    James Mcfadden
    Elizabeth Milos
    Candice Schott
    Catherine Tactaquin
    Mark Van Landuyt
    Steve Zeltzer
    Staff members
    Anthony Fest
    Philip Maldari
    Darlene Pagano
    Frank Sterling
    Richard Wolinsky
    Non Voting members
    Sherry Gendelman: KPFA LSB Counsel
    Christina Huggins: Treasurer
    Carol Wolfley: Secretary

Scheduled KPFA LSB 2024 meeting dates:

  • January 13
  • March 16
  • May 18
  • July 20
  • September 21
  • November 16
  • December 21

The Local Station Board welcomes community input. LSB meetings include a Public Comments period for listeners and others to communicate with the board. The LSB may also be reached by emailing [email protected]. Meetings are by Zoom or may be in person in the future. In person meetings are wheelchair accessible.

Meeting Records

  • On the KPFA website, notices of upcoming meetings are posted here.
  • Notices of meetings are also posted at least one week in advance on the Pacifica meeting calendar at kpftx.org
  • Archives of minutes and other meetings records may be found here.
  • Audio files of meetings are available after the meeting at kpftx.org.