The pandemic is spreading quickly among people in prisons and other locked institutions. That means many people with disabilities are massed together directly in the path of Covid-19. Armanda Shackleford and Sarah Wild join Eddie Ytuarte to discuss their effort to #FreeThemAll in Chicago and beyond. Many incarcerated Chicago Police Department torture survivors sit behind … Continued

Comprehensive coverage of the day’s news with a focus on war and peace; social, environmental and economic justice. Presidential candidate Joe Biden holds first event with Vice President pick Kamala Harris. Governor Gavin Newsom says state is “turning corner” on coronavirus. Tenants advocates call for extended eviction moratorium in California. Calls for early releases of … Continued

  Front entrance to Oakland Technical High School. Oakland Unified School District reopened on Monday without an agreement with the union OEA on how to safely reopen schools. On this show: 0:08 – Oakland Unified School District reopened, virtually, on Monday — but without a union agreement. So what does this mean for teachers and … Continued

Comprehensive coverage of the day’s news with a focus on war and peace; social, environmental and economic justice. Governor Gavin Newsom says state cannot pay for the President’s unemployment scheme.   WHO officials urge strong leadership as coronavirus infections top 20 million. New report finds 340,000 children with coronavirus since pandemic. President Donald Trump issues … Continued

This week on Women’s Mag, we ask: “What is the role of the artist in Revolutionary Socio-Political Movements?” hosted by Kendall Crakow. We’ll be in conversation with 3 very talented artists about their respective journeys in the time of Covid. They are Bay Area Native and PhilipinX Muralist, Sami See (@Samiseeart); Hawaiian Native, Reiki Master, and Mixed … Continued

Crowds gather to watch a nuclear test in 1962 at a Nevada test site. Four decades of nuclear testing have caused long-term damage to American communities. Photo from the National Nuclear Security Administration.  On this show: 0:08 – For Mondays with Mitch, Cat Brooks and Jeannine Etter chat with Mitch Jeserich, host of Letters & Politics weekdays … Continued

On this show: 0:08 – We talk about the economy, the unemployment crisis and the lack of economic stimulus for workers with two guests: Dean Baker is senior economist at the Center for Economic and Policy Research, and Joelle Gamble is a principal at the Reimagining Capitalism initiative at Omidyar Network and on the Board … Continued

Comprehensive coverage of the day’s news with a focus on war and peace; social, environmental and economic justice. Lebanese port officials are jailed as government investigates deadly explosion. Progressives win in Detroit and Missouri primaries, including former homeless woman. Oil and gas industry defeat California bill to limit operations near schools and hospitals. California bill … Continued