Talk-It-Out Radio

Making Right Speech Possible

Right speech or wise speech is one of the precepts in the Buddha’s teaching, and an aspect of the Eightfold Path. For host Marlena Willis, this was the hardest to practice until she learned Nonviolent Communication (NVC). Marlena shares how NVC can support us in speaking honestly, with kindness and depth.

Talk-It-Out Radio

Owning Our Own Reactions: I Triggered Myself!

Host Nancy Kahn, a facilitator with the 2017 NY Intensive in Nonviolent Communication, provides inspiration and practical tools for navigating moments when one is triggered/reactive. Nancy shares practices that support coming back to choice and reconnecting to power in one’s world in moments when one is least grounded. These tools contribute to creating more peace … Continued

Talk-It-Out Radio

Conflict Resolution can be Fun!? Experience the Mosaic Project – Live!

Be delightfully inspired, play some peacemaking games and listen to some positive music live from the KPFA studios – with the leaders and kids of the Mosaic Project from Oakland, California. Timothy Regan hosts Khemnes Fisher and Emily Abad with young students and musicians from Mosaic. Experience some powerful and compassionate “gametivities” that have helped … Continued

Talk-It-Out Radio

Access Movement / Access Meditation

Do you want a world that works for everyone, that includes all of us? Host Marlena Willis interviews Jess Schlesinger, who teaches Access-Centered Movement, and Mushim Patricia Ikeda, a meditation teacher who has been a leader in bringing meditation to all bodies. Whether you are someone who lives in a body that has variations or … Continued