Hard Knock Radio

Georgia To Reopen and The Impact of Covid-19 on Africa and the United States

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We speak with George Chidi, the editor of the Decaturish about Georgia’s plan to lift the shelter-in-place order on April 30. We discuss the risk to public safety and the financially motivated reasons Gov. Brian Kemp is undeterred by public criticism regarding his decision. We speak with former political prisoner Dhoruba al-Mujahid bin Wahad about … Continued

Two historic global economic contractions almost within a decade of each other would have been hard to fathom, if we weren’t living through them. Marxist geographer Richard Walker examines the shape of the United States and world economies during the coronavirus. He also discusses the effects of the crisis on the fossil fuel industry and … Continued

Guest: Craig Aaron created Free Press and Free Press action almost 20 years ago. Free Press is an advocacy organization that aims at safeguarding Net Neutrality, stop media consolidation, defend public media and sustain quality journalism. He is the editor of two books, Appeal to Reason: 25 Years of In These Times and Changing Media: Public Interest Policies … Continued

0:08 – Mondays with Mitch: police killing of Steven Demarco Taylor yesterday at a Walmart in San Leandro yesterday, plus the latest on the coronavirus relief funds, why some people have not received checks yet, and more on Congress struggling to continue operations. 0:34 – Transportation in the time of COVID-19 Joe Fitzgerald Rodriguez (@FitzTheReporter) … Continued

Hard Knock Radio

Covid-19 in Prisons Puts Millions at Risk

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We speak with long time abolitionists and prison reform advocates, Dorsey Nunn and Mohamed Shehk about Covid-19’s impact on the prison population. Dorsey Nunn, Executive Director of Legal Services for Prisoners with Children and Co-Founder of All of Us or None, is leading a movement to restore civil and human rights to millions of Americans … Continued

0:08 – Snapshot from the epicenter of the pandemic: New York City Kevin Powell (@kevin_powell) is a writer, public speaker, and civil and human rights activist, is the author of 14 books, including the memoir, The Education of Kevin Powell: A Boy’s Journey into Manhood. He lives in New York City, and recently visited all … Continued

We continue our conversation with world-renowned political dissident, linguist and author Noam Chomsky. He responds to President Trump’s cuts to U.S. support for the World Health Organization and the surge in deaths in the United States to another record high, and discusses conditions in Gaza, the rise of authoritarianism around the world, and the progressive … Continued

Officials in India say six major cities are coronavirus hot spots, including the capital city, New Delhi. We go there to speak with writer and activist Arundhati Roy, who has a new essay on how “The Pandemic Is a Portal.” She says, “You have the sense that you’re sitting on some kind of explosive substance,” … Continued

0:08 – The Trump administration’s management of medical supplies Cyrus Farivar (@cfarivar) reporter in the tech investigative unit at NBC, co-authored a massive investigation into how the Trump administration is steering emergency medical supply contracts at nbcnews.com 0:34 – Why are hospitals cutting healthcare workers during a crisis? Michael Sainato (@msainat1) is a labor reporter … Continued