0:08 – Trump incites violent white mob at the US Capitol, one day after Georgia Democratic victory tips Senate to Democrat majority Steve Phillips (@StevePtweets) is the founder of Democracy in Color, he’s host of the podcast “Democracy in Color with Steve Phillips,” and author of the book Brown Is the New White. 0:34 – … Continued

Comprehensive coverage of the day’s news with a focus on war and peace; social, environmental and economic justice. At least one dead after President Donald Trump incites mob that sieges capital. Trump’s Republican allies try to stop congressional certification of President-elect Joe Biden’s victory. Historic victory as Democrats win Georgia senate runoff, including state’s first … Continued

On this show: 0:08 – The district attorney in Kenosha County, Wisconsin has announced he’ll decline to press charges against Rusten Sheskey, the officer who shot Black father Jacob Blake seven times in his back on August 23, 2020. We hear from Ruth Conniff (@rconniff), editor in chief of the Wisconsin Examiner, a nonprofit newsroom; … Continued

Comprehensive coverage of the day’s news with a focus on war and peace; social, environmental and economic justice. President Donald Trump’s call with Georgia elections official condemned as “criminal.” Governor Gavin Newsom says vaccine roll out too slow. Britain becomes first nation to use AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine. President Trump and President-elect Joe Biden campaign in … Continued

KPFA’s GM Report: January 9th 2021  

General Manager’s State of the Station Report By Quincy McCoy   Happy 2021!   A big shout out, a sincere thank you, to our real-life heroes, KPFA’s essential workers. The staff who have kept the station performing at a high level through this pandemic. They met the challenges head-on confidently, determined, that failure was not an option.   … Continued


  In this episode, we bring you the first of a 2-part series on how the pandemic is impacting the long struggle for a culturally affirming, socially just, and liberating educational system.  Segment 1: Education Before COVID Indigenous Ways of Teaching & Learning Dr. Leroy Little Bear, Professor Emeritus at the University of Lethbridge, and a … Continued

On this show: 0:08 – Mondays with Mitch – Mitch Jeserich and Brian Edwards-Tiekert talk about national news that broke over the new year. Mitch hosts Letters and Politics weekdays at 10AM on KPFA. 0:34 – How did the B.1.1.7 Covid-19 variant come into existence? We take your Covid-19 questions with Dr. John Swartzberg, clinical professor emeritus of infectious … Continued