Democracy Now 9am (rebroadcast)

WikiLeaks Releases 500K U.S. Cables from 1978 on Iran, Sandinistas, Afghanistan, Israel & More

“Pretrial Punishment”: Julian Assange Remains in Ecuadorean Embassy Fearing Arrest If He Leaves; WikiLeaks Releases 500K U.S. Cables from 1978 on Iran, Sandinistas, Afghanistan, Israel & More; The Kill List: ICWatch Uses LinkedIn Account Info to Out Officials Who Aided Assassination Progra; Assange on the Untold Story of the Grounding of Evo Morales’ Plane During … Continued

With Chris Woods, investigative journalist and author of the book Sudden Justice: America’s Secret Drone Wars. About the book: Less than a month after the September 11th attacks, a tiny, CIA-controlled Predator drone flew over Kandahar, searching out the home of the Taliban supreme commander Mullah Mohammed Omar. A lack of understanding of the drone’s … Continued

Democracy Now 9am (rebroadcast)

Julian Assange on NSA, the Trans-Pacific Partnership: Secretive Deal, and Europe’s Secret Plan for Military Force on Refugee Boats from Libya.

Julian Assange: Despite Congressional Standoff, NSA Has Secret Authority to Continue Spying Unabated; Julian Assange on the Trans-Pacific Partnership: Secretive Deal Isn’t About Trade, But Corporate Control; Julian Assange: British Nuclear Sub Whistleblower William McNeilly Revealed Major Security Lapses; WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange on Europe’s Secret Plan for Military Force on Refugee Boats from Libya.

Last week, across the nation, organizers launched a new series of protests called “Say Her Name” –– seeking to draw attention to police violence against black women. These were disciplined, peaceful, powerful protests. But in Oakland, they ran smack into a new policy under which the city no longer allows unpermitted demonstrations in the street … Continued

Julian Assange: Despite Congressional Standoff, NSA Has Secret Authority to Continue Spying Unabated; Julian Assange on the Trans-Pacific Partnership: Secretive Deal Isn’t About Trade, But Corporate Control; Julian Assange: British Nuclear Sub Whistleblower William McNeilly Revealed Major Security Lapses; WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange on Europe’s Secret Plan for Military Force on Refugee Boats from Libya.

June 13 2015

12th Annual Berkeley World Music Festival

It’s wonderful mix of music in cafes, plus the featured concert in People’s Park w/ Craft Fair


On Saturday, June 13th, the fee Berkeley World Music Festival showcases some of Bay’s finest artists in continuous performances, Noon – 9 pm It’s wonderful mix of music in cafes, plus the featured concert in People’s Park w/ Craft Fair (Noon - 6). Visitor’s starting point is Telegraph Ave. at Haste St. near UC Berkeley....

Life Everlasting

Biologist and author Bernd Heinrich describes the intricate relationship between all living things and the way that all creatures contribute to the creation of new life.