The Visionary Activist Show – December 12, 2024
The wedding of spiritual magic and compassionate social activism with host Caroline Casey.
2:00 PM Pacific Time: Thursdays
Dedicated to “anything we need to know to have a democracy”: Democratic Animism, Pragmatic Mysticism, Applied Divination, Renaissance of Reverent Ingenuity. Hosted by Caroline Casey. Her guests are allies contributing to a culture of reverent ingenuity. Critique and Solution.
The wedding of spiritual magic and compassionate social activism with host Caroline Casey.
The wedding of spiritual magic and compassionate social activism with host Caroline Casey.
The wedding of spiritual magic and compassionate social activism with host Caroline Casey.
The Art of Grief – Hope and wonder in the face of environmental collapse… PART 2: Grief Artfully Expressed becomes a Sacrament of Kinship Caroline re-welcomes last week’s guest Eiren Caffall, science writer with the soul of a poet, the author of “The Mourner’s Bestiary” “Lyrical reports from the apocalypse” “The Mourner’s Bestiary is … Continued
Grief & Mourning artfully expressed becomes a Sacrament of Kinship Caroline welcomes Eiren Caffall, author of “The Mourner’s Bestiary” “Lyrical reports from the apocalypse” The Mourner’s Bestiary is a meditation on grief and survival told through the stories of animals in two collapsing marine ecosystems—the Gulf of Maine and the Long Island Sound—and the lives of … Continued
“You Want it Darker” Journeying into the Underworld – Returning with Liberating Cultural High Jinx Join Caroline and guest, long-time Full Spectrum political strategist Pat Ewing, and Nemesis, Dark Moon Lilth, Wrathful Dakinis, Octavia Butler as we explore the horror and redemption of our ride- Moon Pluto conjuction … Gotta go dark- into the Underworld … Continued
Halloween Dark O Moon to New Moon to Election and beyond…. Participatory Astro*Animism Caroline welcomes long-time ally Heather Roan Robbins, that we may all co-navigate, dedicate, envision, Inaugurate the most desirable story…good for the Earth and all her FloraFaunaFungiCitizens… Nemesis be on call… “Nemesis was the goddess of retribution for, evil deeds and undeserved … Continued
May we all be safe enough to dream, & safe enough to Ovafy (what women do instead of testify) Max Dashu be guest today that we may ally with Witchen herbal lore… Mugwort – protects boundaries, enhances Dreaming…. Safe enough to dream….and many more plant allies… that even hearing their names and qualities, is … Continued
The Whole Team of Creation is Counting on Us *Full Moon Magic- for necessary miracles….! Caroline re-welcomes Elaine Mayumi Whitefeather welcoming Mythic and ancestral allies, Yemaya! Dame Ragnall, Octavia Butler for mega-story re-write, from dystopian to Renaissance of Reverent Ingenuity….19 days out…. “As a Queer Elder of many colors, I walk and live, love … Continued
Awareness of Danger and Guiding Liberating Narrative 2 Dragons: Caroline welcomes Elaine Mayumi Whitefeather, Honoring the Power and contribution of multi-racial Women….Especially Now! Elaine M. Whitefeather shares: “In the winter season of my life, I am honored to offer service to our Greater Sisterhood – at such a time as this. After spending over 4 … Continued
Composting the corruption of cults, into nutrient for Community local participation is Global Citizenship: the Berkeley Cease Fire Resolution with guest Matt O’Brien… Liberating the originating Impulse of Politics: dedication to collective well-being…. resonating the moral compass of Mutual Aid Kinship all beings…. Time for all to be stepping up! Caroline W. … Continued