The Visionary Activist Show

The Visionary Activist Show – “Time of Useful Consciousness”

“Time of Useful Consciousness” Earth Citizens Arise! Divination, dedication, political acumen Caroline welcomes return of Pat Ewing, who brings all of the above in her long journey as full service, adaptogenic political strategist in all realms……   Patricia Ewing is the former Deputy Chief of Staff to Vice President Al Gore, Deputy Chief of Staff … Continued

The Visionary Activist Show

The Visionary Activist Show – Agents of Accountability

“Speak to the Weary – a word that will rouse them” (Isaiah) Let’s all be De-bamboozling Accomplices/Dark o Moon US birthday. So it comes to all of us- To assume cultural narrative lead… To be good Citizens, agents of accountability as sine qua non for democracy… Earth Citizens…. Caroline welcomes these dedications in the human … Continued

The Visionary Activist Show

The Visionary Activist Show – Astro Jungian Pre-debate Mythic News Radio

Caroline welcomes forensic, clinical and cardiac psychologist, Steve Parker.   Dr. Parker is a Jungian psychologist and stone mason. He lives with his partner, Kornelia Grabinska (a Jungian Analyst), in a birch forest overlooking Fairbanks. He has lived and worked in Alaska for more than forty years, and treasures living on the edge of the … Continued

The Visionary Activist Show

The Visionary Activist Show – The Moon Walks the Earth – Solstice Dedications

The Moon Walks the Earth – Solstice Dedications – Caroline co-riffs with Jerome McGeorge, fellow anarcho*astro*animist, co-founder Organic Valley to and fro, with segments, honoring the Solstice, from our first show, and our last night conversing around the Mid-Summer Night entheo bonfire… …..including message from the Kogi, of Colombia, for us now! with whom Jerome … Continued

The Visionary Activist Show

The Visionary Activist Show – Listening to the Ocean

Dissolving the hubris of humans into nutrient for participatory animism….To dispel bad ideas disguised  as “energy transition,” Caroline welcomes, long-time-ally, marine acoustician, Michael Stocker…(who is as though the Ocean adopted a human guise to be its voice…) What is the  Ocean saying say to us now?! Michael has served as the electronic and musical engineer … Continued

The Visionary Activist Show

The Visionary Activist Show – Visioning Necessary Miracles

Assuming Cultural Narrative Strategic Lead, Visioning Necessary Miracles… Caroline re-welcomes Seán O’Donoghue to Liberating Leonard Peltier, the Supreme Court, Gaza, all wrongfully imprisoned   International Leonard Peltier Defense Committee: Case background: Amnesty campaign:

The Visionary Activist Show

The Visionary Activist Show – Full Moon Pirate Radio

Full Moon Pirate Radio Convening our Back-stage Bureau Chiefs…. Back-Stage Bureau chiefs We cannot live through the dead – but we can invite the best in them to live through us, honoring the late great ally Larry Bensky, indefatigable deeply cultivated radio journalist activist…. and the late David Graeber, whose 2 spendiferous books, “Dawn Of … Continued