The Visionary Activist Show – November 28, 2024
The wedding of spiritual magic and compassionate social activism with host Caroline Casey.
2:00 PM Pacific Time: Thursdays
Dedicated to “anything we need to know to have a democracy”: Democratic Animism, Pragmatic Mysticism, Applied Divination, Renaissance of Reverent Ingenuity. Hosted by Caroline Casey. Her guests are allies contributing to a culture of reverent ingenuity. Critique and Solution.
The wedding of spiritual magic and compassionate social activism with host Caroline Casey.
The Art of Grief – Hope and wonder in the face of environmental collapse… PART 2: Grief Artfully Expressed becomes a Sacrament of Kinship Caroline re-welcomes last week’s guest Eiren Caffall, science writer with the soul of a poet, the author of “The Mourner’s Bestiary” “Lyrical reports from the apocalypse” “The Mourner’s Bestiary is … Continued
Grief & Mourning artfully expressed becomes a Sacrament of Kinship Caroline welcomes Eiren Caffall, author of “The Mourner’s Bestiary” “Lyrical reports from the apocalypse” The Mourner’s Bestiary is a meditation on grief and survival told through the stories of animals in two collapsing marine ecosystems—the Gulf of Maine and the Long Island Sound—and the lives of … Continued
“You Want it Darker” Journeying into the Underworld – Returning with Liberating Cultural High Jinx Join Caroline and guest, long-time Full Spectrum political strategist Pat Ewing, and Nemesis, Dark Moon Lilth, Wrathful Dakinis, Octavia Butler as we explore the horror and redemption of our ride- Moon Pluto conjuction … Gotta go dark- into the Underworld … Continued
Halloween Dark O Moon to New Moon to Election and beyond…. Participatory Astro*Animism Caroline welcomes long-time ally Heather Roan Robbins, that we may all co-navigate, dedicate, envision, Inaugurate the most desirable story…good for the Earth and all her FloraFaunaFungiCitizens… Nemesis be on call… “Nemesis was the goddess of retribution for, evil deeds and undeserved … Continued
May we all be safe enough to dream, & safe enough to Ovafy (what women do instead of testify) Max Dashu be guest today that we may ally with Witchen herbal lore… Mugwort – protects boundaries, enhances Dreaming…. Safe enough to dream….and many more plant allies… that even hearing their names and qualities, is … Continued
The Whole Team of Creation is Counting on Us *Full Moon Magic- for necessary miracles….! Caroline re-welcomes Elaine Mayumi Whitefeather welcoming Mythic and ancestral allies, Yemaya! Dame Ragnall, Octavia Butler for mega-story re-write, from dystopian to Renaissance of Reverent Ingenuity….19 days out…. “As a Queer Elder of many colors, I walk and live, love … Continued
Awareness of Danger and Guiding Liberating Narrative 2 Dragons: Caroline welcomes Elaine Mayumi Whitefeather, Honoring the Power and contribution of multi-racial Women….Especially Now! Elaine M. Whitefeather shares: “In the winter season of my life, I am honored to offer service to our Greater Sisterhood – at such a time as this. After spending over 4 … Continued
Composting the corruption of cults, into nutrient for Community local participation is Global Citizenship: the Berkeley Cease Fire Resolution with guest Matt O’Brien… Liberating the originating Impulse of Politics: dedication to collective well-being…. resonating the moral compass of Mutual Aid Kinship all beings…. Time for all to be stepping up! Caroline W. … Continued
We be voting for the earth- in our Fund Drive while answering Antonio Machado’s query “What have we done with the garden entrusted to us?!” We are available to Mystery & Willing to Participate! Woofing the dedicated work of Seán Pádraig O’Donoghue and John Perlin… So, deftly, once again to guide us, be … Continued
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