December 2005 LSB Meeting Records

DRAFT MINUTES KPFA Local Station Board Meeting Saturday, December 17, 2005, at 11:00 AM Freight and Salvage Coffee House 1111 Addison Street, Berkeley, CA. 11:18AM: Meeting called to order: Intros, Tribute to Ted Friedman, Seating of New Member Stan Woods: Present for all or part of the meeting: Howard Beeman, Mary Berg, Max Blanchet, Brian … Continued

December 2006 LSB Meeting Records

KPFA Local Station Board Meeting Freight & Salvage, Berkeley, CA December 16, 2006 The meeting was convened at 12:23PM by Chairman Richard Phelps In attendance: Max Blanchet (MxB) Sepideh Khosrowjah (SK) LaVarn Williams (LW) Stan Woods (SW) Joseph Wanzala (JW) Annie Hallat (AH) Attila Nagy (AN) Chandra Hauptman (CH) Mary Berg (MB) Richard Phelps (RP) … Continued

October 2006 LSB Meeting Records

APPROVED MINUTES KPFA Local Station Board Meeting Saturday, October 21 12:00 – 4:00PM at New College, North Bay Campus 99 – 6th Street, Santa Rosa, CA 95401 Submitted by Mary Berg 12:50AM: Meeting called to order. 11:24am: Introductions and Announcements. Present for all or part of the meeting: Mary Berg (MB), Max Blanchet (Max), Brian … Continued

September 2006 LSB Meeting Records

KPFA Local Station Board Meeting minutes September 16th, 2006: Approved Minutes KPFA LSB Meeting 9/16/2006 Freight and Salvage Berkeley, California   CALL TO ORDER Convened at 1:06PM. INTRODUCTIONS & ANNOUNCEMENTS Max Blanchet Riva Enteen Stan Woods Joseph Wanzala Chandra Hauptman Marnie Tattersall Attilla Nagy Mary Berg Richard Phelps Bonnie Simmons Sherry Gendelman Howard Beeman William … Continued

August 2006 LSB Meeting Records

Draft Minutes KPFA Local Station Board Meeting August 20, 2006, 11:00AM Freight & Salvage Coffee House 1111 Addison Berkeley CA Convened at 11:32AM. Notice that no sound system is available. SW      AH CH      MyB RP      SG AN      HB RE      BS WR      LR BET     RMP MH      SR 16/6 Move to suspend the rules for the consideration … Continued

July 2006 LSB Meeting Records

KPFA LOCAL STATION BOARD MEETING July 16, 2006 Minutes Meeting called to order at 11:16AM by the Chair. Members in attendance: Chandra Hauptman        Annie Hallatt Riva Enteen             Mary Berg Max Blanchet            Bonnie Simmons Sepideh Khosrowjah      Sherry Gendelman Joseph Wanzala          William Walker LaVarn Williams         Sarv Randhawa Marnie Tattersall       Brian Edwards-Tiekert Stan Woods              Debbie Speer Atilla Nagy             … Continued

June 2006 LSB Meeting Records

KPFA Local Station Board Meeting minutes June 17th, 2006: Draft Minutes, not approved KPFA Local Station Board Minutes 17 June 2006 Regular Meeting Freight & Salvage Coffee Shop 1111 Addison Berkeley, California Meeting is called to order at 11:38AM Introductions and Announcements Richard Phelps (RP), Chair Present: Brian Edwards-Teikert (BET) Riva Enteen (RE) Sarv Randhawa … Continued

May 2006 LSB Meeting Records

KPFA Local Station Board Meeting minutes May 20th, 2006: Approved Minutes KPFA Local Station Board Minutes 20 May 2006 Regular Meeting Freight & Salvage Coffee Shop 1111 Addison Berkeley, California Meeting is called to order at 11:15AM Introductions and Announcements Richard Phelps (RP), Chair Present: Brian Edwards-Teikert (BET) Willie Ratcliff (WR) Sarv Randhawa (SR) Rosalinda … Continued

April 2006 LSB Meeting Records

KPFA Local Station Board Meeting minutes April 22nd, 2006: Approved Minutes KPFA Local Station Board Meeting is called to order at 1:00 PM. Richard Phelps (RP), Chair. Present are: Stan Woods (SW) Riva Enteen (RE) Brian Edwards-Tiekert (BET) Chandra Hauptman (CH) Joseph Wanzala (JW) Sepideh Khosrowjah (SK) Max Blanchet (MxB) Mary Berg (MyB) Bonnie Simmons … Continued