KPFA Local Station Board Meeting minutes September 16th, 2006: Approved Minutes
KPFA LSB Meeting 9/16/2006 Freight and Salvage Berkeley, California
Max Blanchet Riva Enteen Stan Woods Joseph Wanzala Chandra Hauptman Marnie Tattersall Attilla Nagy Mary Berg Richard Phelps Bonnie Simmons Sherry Gendelman Howard Beeman William Walker Mark Hernandez Sarv Randhawa Brian Edwards-Tiekert Jane Jackson Sepideh Khosrowjah Lavarn Williams Willie Ratcliff
BS moves to excuse Annie Hallat (out of town), Deb Speer (ill), Rosalinda Palacios (working), Lisa Rothman (family commitment). AN moves to excuse Miguel Molina. WR moves to excuse WR. MT objects to excuse. Unanimous consent on AH, DS, RMP, LR, MM. 16-2, WR is excused.
BET: Move OB I-B to I-A. SR seconds. MxB N RE N SW N JW N CH N MT N AN N MyB Y RP BS Y SG Y HB Y WW Y MH Y SR Y BET Y JJ N SK N LW N Motion fails 8-10. JW: Move OB I-Q to I-A. LW seconds. HB N MyB N MxB Y BET N JJ Y RE Y SG N CH Y MH N SK Y AN Y RP – SR N BS N MT Y WW N JW Y LW Y SW Y 10-8 passes. LW moves to accept agenda as amended. JJ seconds. Unanimous consent.
MT moves to amend 6/17 minutes to amend “except Eric Park” after “Excused without objecton”. CH seconds. 13-1: passes. SK moves to approve 6/17 minutes as amended. SR seconds. Unanimous consent. MT moves change “Controller” to “Business Manager”. Unanimous consent. MT moves to postpone 8/20 minutes for ‘correction’. JJ moves to table the approval of the 8/20 minutes No objection. CONSENT CALENDAR
AN objects to consent calendar item I. Move to presentation of motion to set next meeting time/location. AN moves to meet to the New College in Santa Rosa on 10/21/2006 from 11AM-4PM. SK seconds. BET amends to move time to 12PM. SR seconds. 11-4 to close debate. 10-5 passes. Next meeting set for 12 PM 10/21 at NEw College in Santa Rosa. PUBLIC COMMENT
13 people spoke. Jim Weber Mara Rivera Sasha Futran Kazme Tori Darrow Williams Steve Zeltzer Brian Shiratsuki Daniel Bordstrom Nancy Kyler Bob English Mehmet Maxine Dugan Jane Pauline DELEGATES MEETING
Delegates meeting is convened at 3:06PM. By-laws proposal is raised. Motion fails by unanimous vote. Delegate meeting adjourned.
3:11P to 3:25P. Reconvene at 3:26PM.
LW moves to limit the report to five minutes. BET objects. BET presents Treasurer’s Report and responds to questions. Next Financial Committee Meeting is 9/27/2006 at KPFA. iGM REPORT
iGM is having car trouble and unable to attend. COMMITTEE REPORTS
SK moves to table committee reports. 10-8, approved. BET moves to take from the table the GM Hire Committee report. 8-10, fails.
Item Q: (Moved to Item A) Resolved: It is beyond the powers of the Program Council to determine that any program producer is ineligible to have proposed programs reviewed for airtime based on alleged misconduct. The Program Council’s role is to review proposed and current programs to see if they are appropriate for the station based on our Mission. SK moves to call the question. Chair rules out of order as motion not made yet. BET proposes clarifying amendment: [This motion will nullify the Program Council’s decision to impose a one-year moratorium on entertaining proposals from the Labor Collective.] Call the question: 10-8 fails. Debate continues. Call the question: 12-1 passes. Chair asks for objection to the question. HB objects. HB Y MyB Y MxB Y BET Y JJ Y RE Y SG Y CH Y MH Y SK Y AN Y RP – SR Y WR Y BS Y MT Y WW Y JW Y LW Y SW Y Amendment passes by unanimous vote. MH: Motion to adjourn due to time. 7-12, fails. Meeting adjourned by circumstance. (Building Manager asks for meeting to stop in order to prepare for business.) |