December 2006 LSB Meeting Records

KPFA Local Station Board Meeting
Freight & Salvage, Berkeley, CA
December 16, 2006

The meeting was convened at 12:23PM by Chairman Richard Phelps

In attendance:
Max Blanchet (MxB) Sepideh Khosrowjah (SK)
LaVarn Williams (LW) Stan Woods (SW)
Joseph Wanzala (JW) Annie Hallat (AH)
Attila Nagy (AN) Chandra Hauptman (CH)
Mary Berg (MB) Richard Phelps (RP)
Bonnie Simmons (BS) Sherry Gendelman (SG)
Mark Hernandez (MH) Sarv Randhawa (SR)
Brian Edwards-Tiekert (BET)
Rosalinda Palacios (RMP)


Excuse absent members:

Willie Ratcliff – Flu
Marnie Tattersall – Ecological Needs
Miguel Molina – Attending Performance

Excused by unanimous consent (UC).



October 21: MxB moves to approve minutes as presented. Seconded, but an objection is raised by JW over Program Council item. JW withdraws objection. Approved by UC.

November 18: BET moves to approve. Seconded, but an objection by LW that minutes are incomplete. LW doesn’t have notes available, withdraws objection. Approved 9-6.


Consent Calendar: No items.


Public Comment:

Henry Norr
Mike Raines (?)
Steve Zeltzer


Meeting of the Local Station Board adjourns at 12:46PM.


New Local Station Board as elected November 2006 is convened by acclamation at 12:47PM.

Richard Phelps convenes by acclamation.


Introduction of new members:

Andrea Turner (AT)
Conn Hallinan (CnH)
Lewis Sawyer (LS)
Sarv Randhawa (SR)
Mark Hernandez (MH) [interim KFCF representative]
Ernesto “Tico” Chacin (TC)
Rosalinda Montez Palacios (RMP)
Brian Edwards-Tiekert (BET)
Sherry Gendelman (SG)
Bonnie Simmons (BS)
Richard Phelps (RP)
Mary Berg (MB)
Phoebe Ann Sorgen (PS/PA)
Annie Hallatt (AH)
Chandra Hauptman (ChH)
Attila Nagy (AN)
Henry Norr (HN)
Joseph Wanzala (JW)
Sasha Futran (SF)
Stan Woods (SW)
LaVarn Williams (LW)
Noelle Hanrahan (NH)
Anthony Fest (AF)


Vida Samiian
Miguel Molina


RP raises objection to lack of proper notice to meeting, indicating that he feels that no required four announcements per the by-laws.

MB: Move to proceed with the meeting.

22-0-0 Close debate.
20-0-2 Motion approved.

BET: Moves to approve agenda. MB seconds.
Unanimous Consent.


Excuse Absent Members:

VS/MM by UC.


Election of officers:

Nomination for Chair:

Bonnie Simmons 14
Richard Phelps 9

Nomination for Vice-Chair:

Conn Hallinan 12
Attila Nagy 11

Nomination for Secretary:

Henry Norr 11
Ernesto “Tico” Chacin 12

Nomination for Treasurer:

Brian Edwards-Tiekert 13
Sasha Futran 10

Ballots and ballot count presented to Secetary for recording.


BET moves to suspend the rules to place the iGM report after Public Comment. SR seconds.

ChH moves to amend to place the report before Public Comment. MB seconds.

Amendment 19-1, passes.
Motion 22-0. Motion passes.


BET moves to make Executive Session an Order of the Day at 3:00PM. MB Seconds.



BREAK 2:07PM for five minutes: Reconvene by 2:15PM.


Reconvene at 2:16PM.


Consent Calendar: Approved without objection or amendment.


iGM Report:

As submitted to the LSB.

BET moves to table remainder of iGM report/Q&A in order to comply with by-laws requirements for public comment minimum of 30 minutes, resumes on completion of public comment. LS seconds.

10-11 fails.

ChH offers to meet with iGM to facilitate communications.

MH raises issue that By-Laws mandate a minimum of 30 minutes for public comment and that any remaining time can be used at the discretion of the Board.

12-8 to go to public comment.


Public Comment:
Jim Weber
Fadi Saba
David O’Connell
Daniel Borgstrom
Maxine Dugan
Steve Zeltzer
Virginia Browning (cedes time)


Questioning of iGM resumes following Public Comment.

Meeting adjourns to Executive Session per Orders of the Day at 3:05PM.


Executive Session: Convened at 3:17PM.

The subject of the Local Station Board Executive Session concerned legal advice and matters concerning the Local Station Board and its relation to the Pacifica Foundation.

Adjourn Executive Session at 4:44PM


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