July 2006 LSB Meeting Records

July 16, 2006 Minutes

Meeting called to order at 11:16AM by the Chair.

Members in attendance:

Chandra Hauptman        Annie Hallatt
Riva Enteen             Mary Berg
Max Blanchet            Bonnie Simmons
Sepideh Khosrowjah      Sherry Gendelman
Joseph Wanzala          William Walker
LaVarn Williams         Sarv Randhawa
Marnie Tattersall       Brian Edwards-Tiekert
Stan Woods              Debbie Speer
Atilla Nagy             Mark Hernandez
Richard Phelps          Rosalinda Palacios
Willie Ratcliff         Howard Beeman
Jane Jackson

Howard Beeman: Excused, 14-3.
Lisa Rothman: Excused, Unanimous Consent.
Eric Park: WR moves to table issue of EP eligibility to serve, seconded.

Chair rules this type of issue can be acted upon at any time.
WW appeals decision of Chair.
Chair upheld, 11-9.

Table the issue of EP eligibility.  Passes 11-9

Excuse EP absence. 11-10, Chair votes no, Fails on a tie 11-11.

AN/SK Remove the Secretary of the KPFA LSB as a Special Order
Substitute motion: Remove the Secretary of the KPFA LSB, placed
11-10, Chair votes against, 11-11 FAILS.
Main motion vote:  10-10, fails, Chair vote YES, 11-10.

RE/JW Move Item I of OTHER NEW BUSINESS to a Special
Order of the Day, following the prior Special Order
of the Day.

MyB moves substitute motion to move item to NEW BUSINESS.
Chair rules motion is out of order.
MyB appeals the decision of the Chair.
Chair is upheld by 11-10.

Move to end debate: 11-5.

CH  N   RE  Y   MxB Y   SK  Y
JW  Y   LW  Y   MT  Y   SW  Y
AN  Y   AH  N   MyB N   RP  –
BS  N   SG  N   RMP N   WW  N
MH  N   SR  N   WR  N   BET N
DS  A   JJ  Y
11-9 FAILS

BREAK 12:52P to 1:02PM

MT moves to amend Consent Calendar, move to change LSB meeting to 8/20
Point of Order from BET that items in Consent Calendar can be added or
changed at will.

MT moves to Strike COMMITTEE REPORTS IV from agenda
Substitute Motion: Move COMMITTEE REPORTS IV to top of OLD BuSINESS.
(Moves present Item I to Item II)
15-4 PASSES.

Move to limit this to 20 minutes. MT/SK.
11-10, PASSES.

RE/MT Moves to allow a member of the Labor Council to interact with the LSB.
Motion withdrawn by maker/seconder.

JW/CH Move Item O (LSB e-mail list) to Item C.
Move to end debate 15-2.
10-10, Chair votes, 11-10 passes.

BS/MyB moves to Item H to Item C (displace present C to D)

Substitute motion. Move the H/L to D.
CH Y    RE  Y   MxB  Y  SK  Y
JW Y    LW  Y   MT   Y  SW  Y
AN Y    AH  N   MyB  N  RP  A
BS N    SG  A   RMP  N  WW  A
MH N    SR  N   WR   Y  BET N
DS N    JJ  Y   HB   A
11-8 PASS

Main motion 16-3.

RE/MT Moves to approve the agenda as amended.

WR/BET SUBSTITUTE MOTION: Moves to place Public Comment immediately after
approval of agenda.
Accepted without objection.

Main Motion to approve, 15-4. PASSES and APPROVED.


Four members of the public signed up initially:

Jim Weber
Ann Garrison
Larry Buchalter
Maxine Dugan

Break for Lunch: 2:27PM and Reconvene at 2:56PM.


Remove note from Budget Priority.

Remove EP absence excuse.

Move to table for clarification by unanimous consent.


Consent calendar as amended is approved (change LSB Meeting to 8/20 @ 11AM)


Remove Mark Hernandez as Secretary of the Local Station Board.

RE/MT Substitute Motion to place on next agenda (postpone).
AMEND: Not to precede the Treasurer’s report. (BET/WR)
Chair rules amendment out of order.
BET appeals ruling of the Chair.

CH Y    RE Y    MxB  Y  SK Y
JW Y    LW Y    MT   Y  SW Y
AN Y    AH N    MyB  N  RP Y
BS N    SG –    RMP  N  WW –
MH N    SR N    WR   Y  BET N
DS N    JJ Y    HB   N

Chair’s ruling sustained 11-9.

Motion 11-9 to bind to next agenda item.

Motion to adjourn 6-10 FAILS.


Presented by BET.

Adjourned by circumstance and Chair 4:15PM.

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