The Week Starts Here

Urban Farming on Steroids! Will Allen, Agriculturalist.

African American History Month ***Fund Drive Special*** Will Allen is a modern day Revolutionary, in the truest sense! The term, “Urban Farmer” doesn’t come close to describing the manner in which his transformative ideas and innovative techniques have changed the cultivation, production, and delivery of healthy foods to previously underserved, urban populations. Since Mr. Allen … Continued

The Week Starts Here

Who Loves You Most?

  Love is EVERYWHERE…On this day, in particular, the focus, for some, is on romantic love! What’s on YOUR mind about it? Does romantic love represent a “momentary” departure from reality, or is the experience of bliss merely a taste of the Peace-On-Earth we so many of us are seeking? Are you waiting to experience … Continued

The Week Starts Here

The Transcendent Mind — The Missing Peace in Emotional Wellbeing

  Sunita Pattani discusses her most recent book, The Transcendent Mind–The Missing Peace in Emotional Wellbeing with Host, Veronica Faisant Moving beyond emotional and psychological challenges requires a personal investment in understanding your unique links between body, mind and spirit. Sunita’s description of the underpinnings of eating disorders provides encouragement and insight into the complex … Continued

The Week Starts Here

Metaphysical Musings: Right Brain Perspectives on Left Brain Topics

Sunday, January 17th, 7:30pm-9:00pm, PST Tune in and weigh in as we take a metaphorical look behind the scene of current news stories. If you envision a different scenario, particularly regarding issues that impact you personally, there IS something that you can do! Your Right Brain Perspective is the key to solving Left Brain issues, metaphysically speaking.  Let’s … Continued

The Week Starts Here


Sunday, January 3rd, 7:30pm-9:00pm, PST, on KPFA, Pacifica Radio, 94.1FM. Listen live, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Elizabeth Joyce, Clairvoyant, Astrologer, Spiritual Counselor, Energy Healer, Medium and author of Ascension, Accessing The Fifth Dimension is tonight’s guest. She will reveal her predictions for the year 2016, and she will address questions and concerns you may have, … Continued

The Week Starts Here

When God Winks — Divine Intervention

  Have you ever experienced an event or personal experience, often identified as a coincidence, that was so astonishing that it could only have originated from a Divine source? If your answer is “Yes”, you’ve had, what author SQuire Rushnell calls, a “God Wink”. Rushnell, a former Television executive, Emmy award winner, inspirational speaker and … Continued

The Week Starts Here

Taking the War Out of Our Words

UN-Packing the War Model of Communication Sharon Strand Ellison, Author and Director of the Institute for Powerful Non-Defensive Communication, in conversation with host, Veronica Faisant… We have been conditioned to revert to defensive “war-like” tactics .   “Winning”, and disarming the “victim” is the goal. This power struggle puts us on a non-stop, downward spiral characterized … Continued

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