The Week Starts Here

TOUCHING LIGHT, How to Free Your Fiber-Optic Fascia

TOUCHING LIGHT, How to Free Your Fiber-Optic Fascia, by author, Massage and Myofascial Release Therapist, Ronelle Wood describes the form, function and chemistry of the body’s vital system of connective tissue. Fascia functions very much like a cloak of gossamer tissue that surrounds, supports, separates while connecting muscles, bones and internal organs. The protective mechanism … Continued

The Week Starts Here


  Behavioral Neuroscientist Todd Murphy in conversation with Veronica Faisant In his groundbreaking book, Sacred Pathways: The Brain’s Role In Religious And Mystic Experiences, Todd introduces, then proceeds to address, the following: What if reincarnation is right, and Darwin’s theory is also right? What is the brain’s role in Spiritual and Mystic experiences? Research and … Continued

The Week Starts Here

Gentle Energy Touch–the beginner’s guide to hands-on healing

  Tonight’s guest, Barbara Savin is a Clinical Hypnotherapist, energy healer and author. Her latest book, Gentle Energy Touch, the beginner’s guide to hands on healing, describes how to access and promote the body’s innate, ongoing ability to heal itself. The  book educates the reader re.energetic information retained in the Chakras and how to unblock the flow … Continued

The Week Starts Here

Steve Jobs and Gene Roddenberry — What Did They Leave us?

What if….. Steve Jobs and Gene Roddenberry were ordinary men whose passion fueled curiosity challenged and, then, conquered the status quo. Audio clips of Steve and Gene, in their own voice, provide insight and inspiration into their ‘larger-than-life’ personas. What is the true legacy of Star Trek? How fundamentally different would society be without the … Continued

The Week Starts Here


  Mountains, Minerals, and Me: Thirteen Years Revealing Earth’s Mysteries, by Geologist turned Author, Albert Lamarre, is a fascinating, vivid narrative on what occurs when an individual fearlessly steps out in passionate pursuit of knowledge in his chosen field. Albert, in conversation with host Veronica Faisant, reveals his early childhood fascination with geology and how … Continued

The Week Starts Here

The Story of Easter…and YOU!

          The story of Easter is a reminder of our own ability to not merely survive, but to prevail in the face of “formidable” circumstances. As Spirits with bodies, we are hard-wired to overcome challenges, and also, it seems, to either “forget” or minimize our past victories. You are your own … Continued

The Week Starts Here

Homeopathy Plus Whole Body Vibration

      Becky Chambers is a natural health practitioner, teacher and author. Her latest book, Homeopathy Plus Whole Body Vibration: Combining Two Energy Medicines Ignites Healing, is based on more than 4 decades of personal experience working with clients and her research into body, mind, and energy therapies. Becky’s commitment to discovering the true … Continued

The Week Starts Here

Soul Courage — Watch What Happens

  Author, entrepreneur, and personal development advocate, Tara-jenelle Walsch knows, from personal experience, what is required in order to move forward in life. –You’ll need to get back to basics! In her latest book, Soul Courage, Tara-jenelle, described the consequences of fear based ideology and the unimaginable, positive rewards of having faith, being vulnerable and … Continued

The Week Starts Here

Creativity and Fear– Feel the Fear, Do it Anyway

Producer/Host Veronica Faisant facilitates a lively discussion. The dilemma: Saying “Yes” to the creative urge, in the presence of F.E.A.R. (False Evidence Appearing Real)… The program includes recorded audio of Elizabeth Gilbert reading from her book, Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear If you identify with the term, “starving artist”, if you know someone who … Continued

The Week Starts Here

Self Healing — Natural Vision Training

    Host Veronica Faisant in conversation with Self-Healing advocate and Alternative Treatment Guru, and Natural Vision Trainer, Meir Schneider. We’re discussing the prevalence of poor vision caused by eye strain from overuse of computer screens and the misuse of the muscles of the eyes, and how a series of simple exercises can dramatically improve … Continued

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