As Sanders Chides Clinton on Regime Change, Is Democratic Front-Runner Touting a GOP Foreign Policy? Bernie Blackout? As DNC Accused of Targeting Sanders, Corporate Media Ignores Historic Campaign; Bernie Sanders on Challenging Wall Street: “CEOs May Like Hillary — They Ain’t Going to Like Me”; Is the DNC Afraid of Democracy? Clinton WH Counselor Says … Continued

As Sanders Chides Clinton on Regime Change, Is Democratic Front-Runner Touting a GOP Foreign Policy? Bernie Blackout? As DNC Accused of Targeting Sanders, Corporate Media Ignores Historic Campaign; Bernie Sanders on Challenging Wall Street: “CEOs May Like Hillary — They Ain’t Going to Like Me”; Is the DNC Afraid of Democracy? Clinton WH Counselor Says … Continued

Senator Bernie Sanders has suspended his campaign for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination, making former Vice President Joe Biden the presumptive nominee to face Donald Trump in November. Sanders says he will stay on the ballot in remaining primary races and continue to assemble delegates. We play highlights from Sanders’s speech to supporters in a … Continued

We speak with attorney Benjamin Crump about the water crisis in Flint, how it ties in with Covid-19 and other crisis facing our community. In the second half of the program we speak Phillip Agnew of the Dream Defenders about the coronavirus, Florida and Sen. Bernie Sanders. Photo Image: Crump on the left and Agnew … Continued

Today people in 14 states and American Samoa go to the polls for Super Tuesday. About a third of the delegates needed to secure the Democratic presidential nomination are at stake. This comes after former South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg and Senator Amy Klobuchar dropped out of the race on Sunday and Monday and … Continued

As Bernie Sanders’s runaway win in Nevada cements his position as the front-runner for the Democratic nomination, the Democratic Party establishment and much of the mainstream media are openly expressing concern about a self-described democratic socialist leading the presidential ticket. His opponents have also attacked his ambitious agenda. Last week during the primary debate in … Continued