Donald Trump & His Enablers: John Nichols Calls Out Trump-Obsessed Media for Wall-to-Wall Coverage; Hillary Clinton Has Big Night; Media Moves to Silence Bernie Sanders Campaign; John Nichols: GOP Threats to Block Supreme Court Nominee are Wrong & Absurd; North Carolina Voter ID Law Takes Effect, Disproportionately Bars Blacks, Young People from Polls; Dream Defenders … Continued

Super Tuesday: Amid Protests over Racism, Donald Trump Appears Poised to Triumph in Key Contests; Donald Trump Wants to Commit War Crimes and Neocons Still Think He’s Too Moderate; “We Must & Can Aim High”: Former Clinton Labor Secretary Robert Reich on Endorsing Bernie Sanders; Robert Reich: Donald Trump Isn’t a Conservative, He is an … Continued

Super Tuesday: Amid Protests over Racism, Donald Trump Appears Poised to Triumph in Key Contests; Donald Trump Wants to Commit War Crimes and Neocons Still Think He’s Too Moderate; “We Must & Can Aim High”: Former Clinton Labor Secretary Robert Reich on Endorsing Bernie Sanders; Robert Reich: Donald Trump Isn’t a Conservative, He is an … Continued

Bernie Sanders on NH Victory: “Tonight We Served Notice to the Political and Economic Establishment”; “An Earthshaking Moment”: Sanders Win Reveals Deep Divide Between Voters & Democratic Party Leaders; After Running Xenophobic & Racist Campaign, Donald Trump Wins Easily in New Hampshire; Ta-Nehisi Coates Is Voting for Bernie Sanders Despite the Senator’s Opposition to Reparations.

Bernie Sanders on NH Victory: “Tonight We Served Notice to the Political and Economic Establishment”; “An Earthshaking Moment”: Sanders Win Reveals Deep Divide Between Voters & Democratic Party Leaders; After Running Xenophobic & Racist Campaign, Donald Trump Wins Easily in New Hampshire; Ta-Nehisi Coates Is Voting for Bernie Sanders Despite the Senator’s Opposition to Reparations.

What is This GOP Race About? S.C. Debate Shows Trump’s Outsize Role Weeks Before Opening Contest; Donald Trump, the New George Wallace? Head of Segregationist’s 1968 Bid on GOP Front-Runner’s Racism; “He Has Summoned a Political Revolution”: The Nation Magazine Endorses Bernie Sanders for President; Flint Doctor Mona Hanna-Attisha on How She Fought Gov’t Denials … Continued

What is This GOP Race About? S.C. Debate Shows Trump’s Outsize Role Weeks Before Opening Contest; Donald Trump, the New George Wallace? Head of Segregationist’s 1968 Bid on GOP Front-Runner’s Racism; “He Has Summoned a Political Revolution”: The Nation Magazine Endorses Bernie Sanders for President; Flint Doctor Mona Hanna-Attisha on How She Fought Gov’t Denials … Continued

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