We spend the hour with Nina Serrano, prize-winning poet, activist, filmmaker, playwright, and radio host.  Besides producing programs on politics and culture for KPFA over the last four decades, Nina is cofounder of the Mission Cultural Center and former director of San Francisco Poetry in the Schools.  She was the first foreign woman to travel … Continued

Womens Magazine

Womens Magazine – August 24, 2015

Jeannine Etter interviews Community Activist, Black Lives Matter member and National Poetry Slam champion Theo EJ Wilson, on his viral video “In Defense of Black Women” where Mr. Wilson challenges the toxic narrative that Black women are the sole cause of the destruction of the Black Family. Then Rebecca Jordan-Young, Tow Associate Professor of Women’s … Continued

Womens Magazine

Womens Magazine – August 10, 2015

Challenging Dehumanization We talk with Margo Perin, founder and director of Write & Rise, about how she uses narrative to help incarcerated and formerly incarcerated people, at risk youth, as well as police and their families, heal from trauma.  Perin is the author of the memoir The Opposite of Hollywood, and contributing editor of the … Continued

Womens Magazine

Womens Magazine – August 3, 2015

  Dr. Marcia Chatelain, author of South Side Girls: Growing Up in the Great Migration, discusses the construction of Black girlhood in Chicago in the first half of the twentieth century, and what it tells us about the intersections of race and gender.  She also talks about Black Lives Matter, why it’s rewriting 2016 and … Continued

Womens Magazine

Womens Magazine – July 20, 2015

In June 2011, Sandra Bagaria was in an online romance with a Syrian revolutionary named Amina Arraf.  Then Amina disappeared, and someone told Sandra she had been kidnapped by agents of the regime.  Sandra mobilized along with gay activists all over the world to demand Amina’s release. But then everything unraveled, and Sandra learned that … Continued

Womens Magazine

Womens Magazine – July 6, 2015

Today on Women’s Magazine we have an encore presentation of Lisa Dettmer Radio documentary Beyond Gay Marriage. As the issue of Same Sex marriage is covered widely in the media “Beyond Gay Marriage” takes an a critical look at the Gay Marriage movement and asks : Why is gay marriage the primary issue of the … Continued

Womens Magazine

Womens Magazine – June 29, 2015

Gentrification, policing and the creation of gay place-based communities: a conversation with Christina Hanhardt. Hanhardt is professor of American Studies at the University of Maryland and the author of Safe Space: Gay Neighborhood History and the Politics of Violence. Also: Women’s Empowerment Day at Hip Hop For Change’s Second Annual Independent Hip Hop Festival on … Continued