Womens Magazine

Womens Magazine – June 8, 2015

Host Lisa Dettmer talks to feminists Katha Pollitt and Meghan Murphy about the recent vote in Ireland to legalize same sex marriage.  How is it that Ireland is now touted as in the  vanguard of progressive politics after legalizing same sex marriage while  abortion is still illegal in Ireland  except when a women’s life is … Continued

Womens Magazine

Womens Magazine – June 1, 2015

Renowned peace activist Kathy Kelly, just out of federal prison and on her way to Afghanistan, stops in to talk about her activist journey and the connections between mass incarceration, drone warfare, police killings, climate justice and smoking.  Kathy is the co-coordinator of Voices for Creative Nonviolence. Listen to the full 40-minute discussion with Kathy … Continued

Womens Magazine

Womens Magazine – May 18, 2015

Who Bombed Judy Bari? 25 years ago this week, a bomb blew up in the car of two of the most prominent Earth First! redwood activists: Judi Bari and Darryl Cherney – while they were driving through Oakland, CA. Judi and Darryl were on an organizing tour for Redwood Summer, the most ambitious campaign ever … Continued

Womens Magazine

Womens Magazine – May 4, 2015

Women Bearing Brunt of the Earthquake in Nepal Dr. Renu Adhikari talks about the disparate impact of natural disasters on women, and how we can help make sure that the needs and voices of Nepali women are included in the reconstruction efforts.  Dr. Adhikari is an OB/GYN and founder of the Women’s Rehabilitation Center, a … Continued

Womens Magazine

Womens Magazine – April 20, 2015

Hilary Klein discusses her new book, COMPAÑERAS: Zapatista Women’s Stories.  We talk about the origins of the EZLN, its evolution over 30 years of struggle and institution building, and how well it realizes its objectives of full gender equality.  Klein lived in Chiapas for six years and interviewed dozens of women, from military commanders to … Continued

Womens Magazine

Womens Magazine – April 13, 2015

Preeti Shekar talks to  Sandra Sandoval from San Francisco Women Against Rape about their annual ” Walk Against Rape” event, a walk to empower survivors,  and their friends and family to break the silence and declare San Francisco as a  sexual violence free zone.   Lisa Dettmer talks to Issac Lev Szmonko from the Catalyst Project and … Continued

Womens Magazine

Womens Magazine – Apr 6, 2015

Criminalizing Miscarriage Preeti Shekar talks with Shivana Jorawar, Reproductive Justice Program Director at the National Asian Pacific American Women’s Forum, about the strange case of Purvi Patel.  The 33-year-old Patel was sentenced to more than 20 years in prison for “feticide” and “neglect of a dependent” after seeking medical care for a miscarriage. Listen to … Continued

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