Terra Verde

Shasta At Risk

Terra Verde is joined this week by guests from the Mount Shasta Bioregional Ecology Center who describe how the organization works to protect the forests and source waters of the most northern reaches of California from emerging threats such as the massive Golden State Natural Resources wood pellet manufacture and export scheme.

On April 17, a federal court in San Francisco struck down the City of Berkeley’s first-of-its-kind law banning natural gas infrastructure from new buildings. The ruling can have implications beyond Berkeley, especially since more than seventy local and state jurisdictions around the country have followed Berkeley’s lead in requiring or strongly incentivizing all-electric new buildings, … Continued

Terra Verde

Martinez Residents Demand Action Following Refinery’s Toxic Release

Last Thanksgiving, the Martinez, CA oil refinery released somewhere between 20 and 24 tons of spent catalyst, a byproduct of the oil refining process. That spent catalyst wafted over Martinez neighborhoods and settled on cars, houses, and gardens. It contained toxic heavy metals, including vanadium, aluminum, barium, chromium, nickel, and zinc. When local residents woke … Continued

Terra Verde

Mapuche Territorial Awakening Reverberates Across Patagonia

This episode of Terra Verde features an interview with Denali DeGraf, a writer based in the Argentine Patagonia. Denali’s reporting has been featured in the Earth Island Journal and in Mongabay. Recently he has written about expanding monoculture exotic species tree plantations, increasing wildfire risk, and the efforts of indigenous Mapuche communities in the Southern … Continued

The Pacific Coastal Temperate Rainforest is the largest swath of temperate rainforest remaining on the planet. Stretching more than 2,000 miles from lands bordering Prince William Sound, Alaska to a little south of San Francisco Bay, California, this forest is a important habitat for the region’s distinctive biodiversity and has long been a source of sustenance and cultural significance for coastal Indigenous communities. But a long history of logging, road-building and poorly-conceived government policies has seriously impacted the rainforest.