About Health

2/12/24 Managing and Coping with Anxiety

If you experience anxiety in your life, you’re not alone. As we discuss in this episode, anxiety is one of most frequent problems that brings people into psychotherapists’ offices. Perhaps not surprisingly, there are no magical cures when it comes to anxiety, and different techniques and strategies work for different people. For this reason, our … Continued

About Health

2/5/24 Embracing Shame

Shame is a universal social emotion meant to keep us out of trouble. It may be expressed in many ways including perfectionism or feeling worthless. It can be hard to detect shame since it can bind with other emotions, such as grief, anger, or fear. Shame can be transformed from a self-punishing emotion into an ally, … Continued

About Health

1/15/24 African American Wellness

The harsh reality is that not all patients are treated equally, and racism has consequences on a person’s health and health care. An Associated Press wire story from 1966, contained Dr. King’s famous quotation regarding injustice in health care—“Of all the forms of in-equality, injustice in health, is the most shocking and in-human.” Join Nurse Rona and … Continued