About Health

7/4/23 Death Doulas: What are they?

When you hear the word “doula,” you probably think of someone who assists another person through the child-birthing experience. But you may not know that doulas also assist people through other massive transitions, including at the end of life. The term “death doula” may not be one you’ve heard before, but it’s a growing profession. … Continued

About Health

8/28/23 Befriending Your Vagus Nerve

There has been a lot of talk about the Vagus Nerve these days. It can help us during times of stress or illness, and it’s one of the longest and most important of 12 cranial nerves in our bodies. It connects our brain to our gut, and affects our mood, digestion, heart rate, immune response, … Continued

One of the many health impacts the climate crisis has had in recent years is an increase is vector-borne diseases, including diseases caused by ticks, such as Lyme and Babesiosis. Lyme has been a challenge regarding diagnosis and treatment for a long time, leaving many patients with inadequate testing, high medical bills, and doctors who … Continued

About Health

7/31/23 Inherited Trauma and Resilience

Joining Nurse Rona will be author Elizabeth Rosner, discussing her book, Survivor Café: The Legacy of Trauma and the Labyrinth of Memory. As the child of parents who survived the Holocaust, Elizabeth explores the collective memory of the murder of 6 million Jews, the genocide in Rwanda, and the bombings in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. She … Continued

About Health

7/10/23 Pain:How It Works And Why We Have It

Pain is an unpleasant signal and complex experience when something hurts. It’s an important message to let us know something is wrong, and to help us to take action to prevent further harm. Chronic pain is hard to live with and treat. Join Nurse Rona and her guest, Dr. Rachel Zoffness, for insights about pain.

About Health

7/3/23 The Why of Public Health

Everyone knows what physicians do. We go to them when we’re sick, they examine us and prescribe a treatment. In this case, we’re the patient. But what happens when the patient isn’t a single individual, but a community, a society, a nation, or perhaps even the world? What happens when the healing that most needs … Continued

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