Radio is the world’s oldest broadcast medium. It’s had a major impact on our politics: without it, the New Deal might not have happened. It’s still the world’s most-used mass communications medium. But, if you go by headlines, it’s been on the brink of death . . . for about 60 years. We speak to … Continued

On today’s show we speak with civil rights attorney Nicole Lee about the Department of Justice discovery that the Baltimore Police Department engaged in unconstitutional practices that lead to disproportionate rates of stops, searches and arrests of African-Americans, and excessive use of force against juveniles and people with mental health disabilities. Later we hear from … Continued

Hard Knock Radio

Laurel Street Fair; Black August; and the Oakland Police Sex Allegations

this episode is no longer available

We speak with poet Lucy Flaterry-Vickness, curator Candi Martinez, and Lana Adlawan about the 17th annual Laurel Street Fair; political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal explores the significance of Black August; and Youth Radio’s Natalie Bettendorf speak with youth advocates about the Oakland Police Sex Allegations and the sexual exploitation of young girls in Oakland California.

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