Hard Knock Radio

The Murder of Kayla Moore; Silicon Valley’s Film Festival; and America’s War on the Poor.

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On today’s program we discuss the murder of Kayla Moore by Berkeley Police with Maria Moore, a member of the Justice for Kayla Moore Campaign. Later we hear from Baba Shaka about Silicon Valley’s Film Festival and his involvement in SNCC, as he looks back on the 50th anniversary of the Black Panther Party. And … Continued

In this episode, host Cat Brooks tackles America’s rape culture with Kathy Ferguson, Professor of Political Science and Women’s Studies at the University of Hawaii at Manoa and Jennifer L. Pozner, Executive Director of Women in Media and News. then, host Philip Maldari speaks with Nancy Skinner and Sandre Swanson the two candidates for the State Senate District 9 seat, … Continued

Journalist James Risen: CIA Torture Methods Caused Long-Term Psychological Harm to Former Prisoners; The White Helmets: As Syria Death Toll Mounts, Meet the Rescue Workers Saving Thousands of Lives; Bob Dylan Wins Nobel Prize For Literature: Listen to Rare Interviews and Songs from Pacifica Radio Archives; Surviving Torture in a CIA Secret Prison: Khaled al-Sharif … Continued

In this episode host Cat Brooks talks Trump with Jennifer Merolla, Professor of Political Science at the University of California, Riverside and co-author of the new book Framing Immigrants: News Coverage, Public Opinion, and Policy.  About the book: While undocumented immigration is controversial, the general public is largely unfamiliar with the particulars of immigration policy. … Continued

Leaked Hillary Clinton Emails: Could Bernie Sanders Have Won Primary If Leak Occurred Earlier? Climate Direct Action: Activists Halt Flow of Tar Sands Oil by Shutting Off Valves of Five Pipelines; Will Racist, Anti-Immigrant Trump Supporter Sheriff Joe Arpaio Be Jailed for Contempt of Court? Women’s Boat to Gaza: 13 Activists Detained by Israel, Weeks … Continued

Salima Hamirani’s Extended Interview with Dr. Richard Wolff

  In this interview Salima Hamirani speaks with Dr. Richard Wolff, a renowned American Marxist economist, about the state of politics in the US and his ideas for rewriting the economic script in the country. His latest book is Democracy at Work: A Cure for Capitalism.