Caroline welcomes the return of Janine Benyus, natural sciences writer and author of Biomimicry. Janine’s work reminds us that for every toxic insult we humans have imposed upon our home planet, there is an ingenious reverent collaborative solution that makes us weep and bark with delight. (e.g. solar cells that mimic leaves, agriculture that models … Continued

*40 minutes because Fund Drive pitching was cut out*   As part of our pre-election juju let’s return to the power of story: Caroline welcomes, from Beirut, master story-teller Rabih Alameddine, author of “The Hakawati” a fantabulously pertinent modern Arabian Nights novel of such power that to read it is to synchronously encounter it in … Continued

Live from DC, Tel Aviv and Capetown to California, and spiralling out into world, fueled by the waxing Full Moon of Pragmatic Mysticism – Caroline welcomes Yehuda Atai, Israeli Peace Activist, Biblical scholar, alchemist, modern computer start-up wizard presenting the One State Solution – the Israeli-Palestinian Democracy! Because this bold imaginative ingenious experiment will require … Continued

Today’s powerful Mars Saturn conjunction in Virgo, invites us all to dedicate to our Medicine to preserve and protect life, So Caroline welcomes Revered kick-butt Gwich’in elder Sarah James, live from her home on Arctic Village Alaska Sarah embodies dynamic dedication to her people and their kinship to the land, the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, … Continued

Caroline welcomes Dean Radin,Ph.D., Laboratory Director at the Institute of Noetic Sciences (worked at Bell Lab on telecommunications, two decades study on psychic phenomena in academia) that we may frolic in the Big Picture of inter-relatedness, and tease forth its implications into pragmatic  mysticism. His most recent book is Entangled Minds. “We signed up for this … Continued

We begin this most auspicious year with David Aaron Holmes, whose book, Psyche’s Palace delineates “How the brain generates thelight of the Soul.” “Ablaze with the light of 100 billion sparklingneurons, the bioluminescent brain creates the sphere of the five sensesand the persistent illusion of a separately existing self.”

Caroline welcomes botanist Stephen Buhner, whose book “The Lost Language of Plants” guides our souls to re-animate an informed intimacy with the world, (and thus to heal sociopathic tyranny – which has gotten us all into this cruel global pickle). He has said that he can walk around someone’s house and observe what “weeds” are … Continued