Autumnal Equinox Council with Caroline W. Casey & Deborah Felmeth & Seán Pádraig O’Donoghue. Middle Eastern-Celtic-Sufi Voudoun syncretism plant lore, astro*mytho*guiding narrative, poetry, song… Where there be too much heat (uninitiated Mars hyper-yang death frenzy, war on life, war on Venus) – let’s align with Venus, with Mars providing back-up Woof! So that we may … Continued

Caroline W. Casey speaking at the 2019 Conference for the National Council for Geocosmic Research Reporting live from the chemo underworld of Poisonous Allies ~ Mercury, Sun, Mars, Venus in Virgo trining Uranus in Taurus = Biomimicry: that humans may humbly cooperate with Nature’s guiding Genius (aka “Trickster) = Democratic Animism = to tease what … Continued

Caroline hosts Buddhist Prison Ministry Chaplain, Susan Shannon, that we honor the liberating medicine proffered to us all, from those under greatest adversity. Susan Shannon, M. Div. is a seeker, student, mystic, poet, dharma lover, student, and teacher, earth and animal steward, and devotee of the heart, interfaith minister and chaplain…. Susan has been a … Continued

Caroline welcomes Dean Radin,Ph.D., Laboratory Director at the Institute of Noetic Sciences (worked at Bell Lab on telecommunications, two decades study on psychic phenomena in academia) that we may frolic in the Big Picture of inter-relatedness, and tease forth its implications into pragmatic  mysticism. His most recent book is Entangled Minds. “We signed up for this … Continued

We begin this most auspicious year with David Aaron Holmes, whose book, Psyche’s Palace delineates “How the brain generates thelight of the Soul.” “Ablaze with the light of 100 billion sparklingneurons, the bioluminescent brain creates the sphere of the five sensesand the persistent illusion of a separately existing self.”

Caroline welcomes back one of her favorite humans, poetess Naomi Shihab Nye, whose latest book, I’ll ask you three times, are you OK? is an ode to cab drivers, the journey, the detour, the kinship gleaned from the stories we befoibled beings exchange, especially when traveling— and always – kindness.