Cognitive Disabilities

An informative program about the distinct disabilities of autism and cognitive disorders with two disability advocates. Austin Tam will discuss his observations and insights about cognitive disorders and disability in the Asian/Hawaiian and Pacific Islander community.  Tam attended the California Renters Power Assembly and helped organize the “Making the Invisible Visible” Disability Summit in Alameda … Continued

Pushing Limits

Disability: The Best and Worst of 2017

Jacob Lesner-Buxton joins our crew for 30 minutes of analysis and reflection on the events of 2017 for people with disabilities. Some topics: 1. U.S. involved wars cause death and disability in Afghanistan, Mexico, Syria, Iraq, Yemen and elsewhere 2.  Electronic Visit Verification to be required in California IHSS homes 3.  Trump – Defeat of … Continued

Today we celebrate the musical contributions of Stevland Hardaway Judkins who for decades has delighted the disabled and non-disabled world with his music, commitment to blind and disability rights and to universal peace. Of course, we are talking about Stevie Wonder who still is a fixture in popular American culture and to think that this … Continued

Dennis Billups joins Eddie Ytuarte with a first person account of the historic disability occupation of the  federal HEW building in 1977.  This protest of the delay of 504 regulations became a precursor to the Americans with Disabilities Act. Billups’ history, as well as that of other disability activists, will be on display in the … Continued

(For a transcript of the first 15 minutes of this half hour program, click here.) Capitalism is about money. Capitalism is about the 80% of disabled people who don’t have full time employment. Capitalism is also about how we think. Capitalism tells us it’s okay the majority of people in jails have learning disabilities, mental … Continued