New York Governor calls in National Guard to address coronavirus outbreak in New York suburb. Italy’s coronavirus cases top 10,000 as nation uses military and police to enforce travel bans. CDC says medical facilities and nursing homes need to do more to prevent COVID-19 spread. Trump administration outlines coronavirus response, pushes for payroll tax cut. … Continued

Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders are front runners in Democratic Presidential Primary. Billionaire, Michael Bloomberg drops out of Democratic Presidential race. California voters overwhelmingly vote for Bernie Sanders, reject Proposition 13. Bay Area voters reject SMART Train tax increase. Supreme Court hears abortion case, pro-choice advocates rally outside the court. California Governor declares state of … Continued

0:08 – Super Tuesday election results highlights John Nichols (@NicholsUprising) National Affairs Correspondent for The Nation.  Steve Phillips (@StevePtweets) is the host of “Democracy in Color with Steve Phillips,” a color-conscious podcast on politics. He is also the founder of Democracy in Color. He is a regular opinion contributor to The New York Times and … Continued

Trump falsely claims he’s nation’s chief law enforcement officer as AG Barr floats leaving the post President Trump’s purge of officials disloyal in impeachment trial continues Democratic presidential candidate, billionaire Michael Bloomberg once touted cuts to medicare Latinx group endores Bernie Sanders for Democratic president Gun control group to ramp up campaign spending election to … Continued

As the Democratic presidential hopefuls prepare to take to the debate stage tonight, we turn to a central issue of the campaign: Medicare for All. In a new study, Yale scholars have found that Medicare for All will save Americans more than $450 billion and prevent 68,000 deaths every year. The study in The Lancet … Continued

The Visionary Activist Show

The Visionary Activist Show – The Joyful Activist!

Electing an irresistible guiding story! On Valentine’s Eve, Caroline welcomes to the Visionary Activist Show, the Joyful Activist, Francis DellaVecchia, that we may honor his splendid article: “Tired of old white men running things?” – wait for it – tis an unexpected encouraging, liberating narrative that ensues.   Francis has been energetically cahooting with Bernie … Continued

The Pacifica Evening News, Weekdays

The Pacifica Evening News, Weekdays – February 6, 2020

Day after impeachment acquittal, President Donald Trump goes after his foes D.N.C. calls for Iowa caucus recount; Bernie Sanders and Pete Buttigieg tied Sanders mounts attack against Trump: A fraud and liar Democrats urge Trump administration to reverse cuts to SNAP, food stamps program Janitors rally across California for a “New Deal for Immigrant Workers” … Continued

The Pacifica Evening News, Weekdays

The Pacifica Evening News, Weekdays – February 5, 2020

Not guilty: Republican run senate acquits President Donald Trump of impeachment charges Democratic Iowa caucus too close to call, Pete Buttigieg has slight lead over Bernie Sanders Democrats slam President Trump’s State of the Union speech, charge it was full of lies Frontline communities demand gas plant closures near them, first, during transition off fossil … Continued

The impeachment trial of President Trump is anticipated to proceed this week, as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is expected to send the two articles of impeachment to the Senate as early as Wednesday. The House impeached Trump in December for abuse of power and obstruction of Congress related to Trump’s effort to pressure Ukraine to … Continued