International Women's Day Special 2024

Special Broadcast: Public Affairs

International Women’s Day 2024: Special, Extended Saturday KPFA Evening News

In this special edition, Sharon Sobotta digs deep into some undertold stories of sheros and trailblazers including three generations of women in the now 102 Year Old Betty Reid Soskin’s family, as Betty is the subject that’s inspired a forthcoming film and a play called ‘Sign my name to Freedom.

International Women's Day Special 2024

Special Broadcast: Public Affairs

International Women’s Day 2024: Guatemalan Widows Rise (after genocide)

Compilation by Frieda Werden of a production by Maria Martin and a speech by Rigoberta Menchu. Frieda Werden is an American and Canadian radio producer, co-founder and producer of the weekly radio series WINGS Massive displacement and genocide have been inflicted on indigenous communities in Guatemala for centuries. A documentary about women who experienced that … Continued

International Women's Day Special 2024

Special Broadcast: Public Affairs

International Women’s Day 2024: The Importance and Activism of Local Human Rights Commissions

An interview with Katrina Phillips, Chair of the Sanoma County Human Rights Commission. Phillips, who is bi-racial, speaks about the challenge of being bi-racial and how it motivates her work. She discusses history and importance and work of such commissions, including ceasefire in Gaza and local racism.  Elaine B. Holtz has co-produced Women’s Spaces for … Continued

International Women's Day Special 2024

Special Broadcast: Public Affairs

International Women’s Day 2024: Accented English

Miae Kim, South Korean producer formerly at KBOO community Radio in Portland OR, reporting for Women’s International News Gathering Service A discussion about the myth of Standard American English and how North Americans react to immigrants’ accents when speaking English, including alternatives that lead to respect instead of stigma. Guests include Rosina Lippi-Green PhD in … Continued

International Women's Day Special 2024

Special Broadcast: Public Affairs

International Women’s Day 2024: Issues Facing Native Women in Northern California

Four women discussing the issues and challenges Native American women face. 3 Guests would be members of the Wintu Tribe of Northern California, the Nor El Muk Tribe and Redding Rancheria. Lynn E. Fritz – Licensed Marriage Family Therapist and an enrolled descendant of the Karuk Tribe of Happy Camp, CA. She will offer comments … Continued

International Women's Day Special 2024

KPFA's IWD SPECIAL 2024: Musically Speaking

Special Broadcast: Public Affairs

International Women’s Day 2024: Musically Speaking

Women have always been vital to the music scene, addressing the issues of the day through their melodies, harmonies, rhythms and lyrics. Celebrate International Women’s Day and music’s ability to heal, support and inspire, through Jazz, R&B, Soul, Blues and Folk, with award winning radio producer/announcer Melanie Berzon.

International Women's Day Special 2024

Special Broadcast: Public Affairs

International Women’s Day 2024: Chicana Lesbians

Today for IWD host Lisa Dettmer talks to guest who celebrate and remember the seminal anthology “Chicana Lesbians: The Girls our Mother Warned us About” which was first published in 1991 and was the first out and proud Chicana lesbian book ever written and is described on amazon as the most important book ever published … Continued

International Women's Day Special 2024

Special Broadcast: Public Affairs

International Women’s Day 2024: A Love Letter to Black Feminist Movements: Reflections on Black Feminisms Forum

In February 2024, over 300 black feminists from around the world gathered in Barbados. In the words of one participant Nadia Ahidjo, “we showed up in Barbados to dream and build black feminist worlds.” Amina Doherty of the Black Feminist Fund, Kym Oliver, BFF Board member, and Ada Ada Prince-Williams participant at the Forum and … Continued

International Women's Day Special 2024

Special Broadcast: Public Affairs

International Women’s Day 2024: Outspoken: My Fight for Freedom and Human Rights in Afghanistan

Interview with Dr Sima Samar about the current situation for women and girls in Afghanistan after the US-negotiated return of the Taliban and about her life and her new book, Outspoken: My Fight for Freedom and Human Rights in Afghanistan.  Dr Sima Samar, is a Hazara woman of the most persecuted ethnic group in Afghanistan, is … Continued

International Women's Day Special 2024

Special Broadcast: Public Affairs

International Women’s Day 2024: Outspoken: Expanding the Possible

Guests: KPFA’s own Visionary Activist, Caroline Casey with musical accomplices Amikaeyla, & Brianna Di Mara; Sarah Rodriguez, dog trainer with spinal muscular atrophy and owner of Homeschooled Hound; Rebecca Lamorte, disability rights activist who ran for New York City Council and Ventura City Council Member Liz Campos on seeking and holding office as women with … Continued