Pushing Limits

Fatness and Fitness

Three women take a frank look at a fitness challenge geared towards fat people. They talk about how weight interacts with their disabilities. How does the judgment and disdain of society toward fat people get in the way of heath and fitness? Leti Flores, Cora Neal and host Shelley Berman share their personal “Biggest Loser” … Continued

Pushing Limits

Who Has the Best Disability – Call In

Are you someone with a speech impairment who relishes sharing gossip with friends in public, knowing that those nearby can’t understand you? Do you love using a wheelchair when you speed past walkies to catch a bus? Are you a shy person whose happy when your guide dog breaks the ice with a new friend? … Continued

Pushing Limits

Controversy at Berkeley’s Center for Independent Living

Pushing Limits speaks with Center for Independence Yomi Wrong about the current controversy over the appearance of Governor Jerry Brown to the organization’s fortieth anniversary gala. Despite Brown’s early support of disability rights in his first go around as governor, disability activists (like those from Communities United in Defense of Olmstead) are down on him … Continued

Pushing Limits

“What if They Were Never Born?” (Rerun)

Due to a technical error, this program was a rerun of our 8-17-12 program. Influential personalities like bioethecist Peter Singer have called for the aborting of disabled fetuses and have gone farther in saying it is o.k. to kill infants with serious disabilities like spinal bifida. We want to pursue this topic again but not … Continued

Pushing Limits

“What If They Were Never Born?”

Influential personalities like bioethecist Peter Singer have called for the aborting of disabled fetuses and have gone farther in saying it is o.k. to kill infants with serious disabilities like spinal bifida. We want to pursue this topic again but not in the usual way. We “turn the table” and come to this topic from … Continued

Pushing Limits

Aging with HIV or AIDS (Rebroadcast)

Last year, in 2011, a switch happened. People living in San Francisco with HIV/AIDS had birthdays, and the majority of them were over 50. In the years to come, other cities will follow, and the country will have to consider how to best provide services to seniors living with HIV or AIDS. Pushing Limits gives … Continued