Ted Cruz takes first place in the Republican caucus; Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton end in a statistical dead heat. We’ll talk to Ruth Coniff, who’s been covering the campaign from on the ground, Isaiah Poole, who’s following it from Washington, and Craig Holman, who’s tracking the money behind the campaigns. Plus: John Burris joins … Continued

Featuring music from Alex Calder (Edmonton, Alberta) with a track off the recent Covers EP via Bandcamp. Forward thinking art-rock duo Field Music, highlighting one of my favorite tracks off their new album Commontime via Memphis Industries. Polyvinyl electronic artist Pillar Point pointing out my personal choice well-liked cut off the new album Marble Mouth. … Continued


CounterSpin – January 29, 2016

CounterSpin provides a critical examination of the each week’s major news stories, and exposes what the mainstream media may have missed in their own coverage. Produced by the national media watch group FAIR (Fairness and Accuracy In Reporting).