With Greg Palast, a New York Times-bestselling author and a freelance journalist for the BBC as well as the British newspaper The Guardian. Throughout his career he has investigated and uncovered many instances of election fraud and political malfeasance, exposing the corporate interests and big-money involved in who gets elected in the United States. His most recent documentary, The Best … Continued

With Chris Jennings, an author who grew up in New York City. He graduated from Deep Springs College and Wesleyan University. He lives in Northern California with his dog. His most recent book is Paradise Now: The Story of American Utopianism. About the book: By any measure, Ann Lee, the illiterate daughter of a Manchester blacksmith, led one … Continued

Across the Great Divide

Across the Great Divide – September 18, 2016

this episode is no longer available

Music among friends. Folk and acoustic music. Singer/songwriters. Familiar songs and the New from home and across the sea. Stories of Life, Struggle, and Humor. Hosted by Kevin Vance.  Featuring songs from Goodnight Pete, a celebration of Pete Seeger originally broadcast on KPFA in 2014, Starlight On The Rails, stories and songs by Utah Phillips, … Continued