Hurricane Irma, dubbed “one of the most powerful storms in history,” is wreaking devastation across the Caribbean as it heads to Florida, barely as Texans have begun their recovery efforts from Hurricane Harvey. On today’s show we’ll speak with Thanu Yakupitiyage of about putting these storms into the climate context. Then, California is disproportionately … Continued

Hurricane Irma, dubbed “one of the most powerful storms in history,” is wreaking devastation across the Caribbean as it heads to Florida, barely as Texans have begun their recovery efforts from Hurricane Harvey. On today’s show we’ll speak with Thanu Yakupitiyage of about putting these storms into the climate context. Then, California is disproportionately … Continued

  Explosions rock a chemical plant in Crosby, Texas after flooding cuts off power to refrigeration needed to keep the volatile substances from catching fire. California Senator Kamala Harris announces she will co-sponsor Bernie Sanders Medicare-for-All legislation when he introduces it this month. A group of State Senate Democrats proposes one billion dollars in cap … Continued

A Republican Senator introduces a single payer amendment to the Senate health legislation — hoping to embarrass Democrats by putting them on the record. Single-payer supporter Bernie Sanders call the move a sham and says he’ll introduce his own legislation later. A statewide tenants coalition takes action in several California cities to confront the California Apartment … Continued