Lunar Eclipse Easter Radio: Let war be eclipsed by cooperation with Nature’s guiding symmetrical ingenuity. Caroline hosts long-time ally Green Permaculture-Distillation Wizard David Blume: “house your friends and feed enemies.” (We will delineate.) “David Blume, researcher, author, farmer and alcohol fuel pioneer first began to work on the puzzle of how to broadly … Continued

Richard O. Moore (February 26, 1920 – March 26, 2015)

Richard Moore was one of the original founders of listener-supported KPFA and Pacifica Foundation along with Lewis Hill and Eleanor McKinney. On April 15th 1949, Moore was the presenter of the first program on KPFA’s air: Anglo-American Folk Ballads. Moore was a published poet and a close associate of Kenneth Rexroth’s intellectual circle in San … Continued

We’re joined in studio by Barney Frank, former Democratic Congressman from Massachusetts. Barney Frank was the first openly gay man to serve in the US Congress and chaired the House Financial Services Committee from 2007 to 2011. His new autobiography, Frank: A Life in Politics from the Great Society to Same-Sex Marriage, was published this … Continued