On today’s show, Mitch Jeserich talks to Tyson Slocum (Public Citizen) about the selection of Trump’s cabinet. Then, Cat Brooks discusses the controversial speaker Milo Yiannopoulos with Joseph Lavery (Assistant Professor of English at UCB) and Alan-Michael Weatherford (doctoral candidate at Washington University). Yiannopoulos has been invited to speak at UC Berkeley this week, which has sparked fierce … Continued

Watergate Veterans: Just Like Nixon, Donald Trump Appears to Think He is Above the Law; The Attorney General Defied Trump’s Muslim Ban. He Did One Thing He Knows How to Do: He Fired Her; Sarsour v. Trump: Palestinian-American Activist Sues the President to Overturn Muslim Ban; Former Watergate Prosecutor: We Need Officials Who Will Stand … Continued

In this episode host Mitch Jeserich speaks with Bill Fletcher Jr. about how the country has gotten where it is, and the resistance against Trump. Fletcher is the former president of TransAfrica Forum, and a Senior Scholar with the Institute for Policy Studies. He is a syndicated columnist and a regular media commentator on television, radio and … Continued

On today’s show, Mitch Jeserich brings us Washington DC coverage of Trump’s immigration executive orders and the resulting national protests, as well as an interview with Bill Fletcher (racial justice and labor activist) about resistance to Trump’s policies. Then, Cat Brooks talks to two members of the National Lawyers Guild, Jeffrey Light (Washington, DC-based attorney specializing in civil … Continued

“Let Them In”: Thousands Descend on Nation’s Airports to Protest Trump’s Refugee & Muslim Ban; Sudanese Stanford Ph.D. Student Speaks Out After Being Detained at JFK Under Trump Muslim Ban; Reps. Jerrold Nadler, Pramila Jayapal Join Airport Protests to Free People Detained Under Muslim Ban; ACLU: We Have Won the First Victory to Overturn Unconstitutional … Continued