Nina Serrano and Jack Foley—KPFA’s interwoven pair—are back again as May jumps into the calendar (May Day! M’aidez!). A special feature of today’s program will be a celebration of the great California (Oakland-born) poet, Robert Duncan (1919-1988). There will be an international celebration of Duncan at the Sorbonne from June 12 to June 14, but today’s show is strictly home grown. Nina and Jack will also contribute their special brand of hi-jinks.

Attorney General William Barr Testified to the Senate Judiciary Committee today. This comes hours after a letter from special prosecutor Robert Mueller is released. In the letter Mueller criticizes AG William Barr for how he originally described the Mueller report. For analysis on this issue, we talk to William Yeomans. Guest: William Yeomans is Senior … Continued

0:08 – Congress held its first ever hearing on Medicare for All yesterday in the House Rules Committee. Washington Democrat Pramila Jayapal sponsored the legislation (H.R. 1384), which envisions a two year transition period during which the US would switch to a single payer system. It would provide comprehensive healthcare coverage including dental, vision, reproductive … Continued

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