The world is facing two existential threats, one acknowledged but inadequately addressed, and the other largely forgotten until recently: global warming and nuclear weapons. Scholar Michael Klare discusses the dangerous great power politics highlighted by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and their deleterious effects on nuclear proliferation and the struggle to slow the climate disaster. Resources: … Continued

Caroline welcomes the return of Marine Acoustician, Michael Stocker (Scientist, Jazz Musician), with a bevy of wondrous Ocean recordings to guide us into intimacy with that which we must protect from the on-going war on life. The present dangers and ways we can participate in protecting the Ocean. Honoring the Arctic Ringed Seal and their … Continued

Caroline welcomes the return of Subhankar Banerjee, one of the foremost protectors of The Arctic National Wildlife, Responding to threat with Trickster “Indigenuity” (thank you, Bob Gough, Dan Wildcat, Curtis Catawba for that word) Becoming like what we love to be its protectors. To protect wolves – become more like wolves to protect Arctic and … Continued