Womens Magazine

Womens Magazine – May 4, 2015

Women Bearing Brunt of the Earthquake in Nepal Dr. Renu Adhikari talks about the disparate impact of natural disasters on women, and how we can help make sure that the needs and voices of Nepali women are included in the reconstruction efforts.  Dr. Adhikari is an OB/GYN and founder of the Women’s Rehabilitation Center, a … Continued

As some US media re-engage the drone debate, the discussion is over how and where drones should be used—not whether they should be. Plus: Honduran indigenous rights leader Berta Caceres and the group COPINH are fighting not just governments but some of the world’s most powerful corporations to protect their land and livelihood.

Against the Grain

Going to Waste

Prodigious amounts of usable and edible waste are produced by commercial enterprises. They, and the capitalist system, try to keep that waste out of public view. Alex Barnard and Marie Mourad discuss the politics of waste and describe efforts, by freegans and Disco Soupe and others, to recover and reclaim and, in some cases, live … Continued