Comprehensive coverage of the day’s news with a focus on war and peace; social, environmental and economic justice. Unemployment claims top more than 3.3 million. U.S. coronavirus cases now more than China’s. New York is epicenter of COVID-19, with nearly half the nations cases. San Francisco officials urge ramp up of COVID-19 support as New … Continued

Activists call on Gov. Gavin Newsom to free detained immigrants to avert deadly COVID-19 catastrophe in detention facilities

Human rights activists with the group Never Again Action staged a protest outside Governor Gavin Newsom’s house and the state capitol on March 22, 2020 to demand Newsom empty California’s immigrant detention facilities and release detainees during the coronavirus crisis. The activists say immigrants are being imprisoned in dangerously close quarters, with little access to … Continued

As the New York metro area has 60% of all the new coronavirus cases in the United States and is responsible for half the cases all over the country, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said Tuesday the number of hospitalizations is expected to peak in the next 40 days as hospitals are already encountering shortages … Continued

As COVID-19 begins to spread in the U.S. prison system, calls are growing in the New York City epicenter of the pandemic to release people from Rikers Island, the second-largest jail system in the country. At least 39 prisoners and 21 staff at Rikers Island have tested positive. Mayor Bill de Blasio said Monday the … Continued

0:08 – COVID-19, the economy, and what real government relief might look like Richard Wolff (@profwolff) is a Marxian economist, professor emeritus at University of Massachusetts Amherst, and co-founder of Democracy @ Work. He is also the host of Economic Update, on KPFA Fridays at 10am.  0:34 – Q&A: COVID-19 and staying healthy Art Reingold … Continued

Alarm is growing about the safety of more than 37,000 people held in immigrant detention centers and private jails that contract with Immigration and Customs Enforcement, or ICE, where it is nearly impossible for them to avoid close contact to stop the spread of the coronavirus. Nearly half of those detained by ICE are accused of no … Continued