Womens Magazine

Women’s Magazine – March 17, 2008

We look at the new asexuality movement that is coming out of the closet and making radical challenges to the compulsory sexuality of hypersexual culture. Malihe Razazan talks with Professor Nadje Al Ali about the History of Women’s Movement in Iraq, and the conditions of women under sanctions and US occupation. Dr. Nadje Al-Ali is … Continued

Womens Magazine

Women’s Magazine – March 10, 2008

The Beat Is Tight But the Words Ain’t Right: Reflections on Hip-Hop by African American Women. Plus, Barbara Ehrenreich and Sabina Virgo speaking in 1998, with words that could have been written today.The Case of the New Jersey 4.And Faslane 365: a year of women-led blockades helps propel an anti-nuclear government to power in ScotlandAfter … Continued

Womens Magazine

Women’s Magazine – February 4, 2008

As we go into super Tuesday, we look at the issues of race and gender that have been surrounding this presidential election with three women of color , U.C. Berkeley Professor Paola Bacchetta, Arlene Fenton from the Blog Black Women’s Vote and former Black Panther, Elaine Brown. www.kpfa.org/womensmagazine

Womens Magazine

Women’s Magazine – January 21, 2008

Abortion rights, empowering immigrant women and the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.  Kate Raphael reports from the Walk For Life and the counterdemonstration against it; Preeti Shekar speaks with organizers of a workshop for professional immigrant women entering the U.S. workforce, and Safi wa Nairobi presents a collage  of African American women activists’ … Continued

Womens Magazine

Women’s Magazine – January 7, 2008

This week on Women’s Magazine, we look at the legacy of former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto with Pakistani journalist and documentary filmmaker Beena Sarwar.  And, we’ll hear about the rock and roll camp for girls, where girls are encouraged to make as much noise as possible.Monday, January 7, 1-2 p.m. at 94.1 FM KPFA or … Continued

Womens Magazine

Women’s Magazine – December 24, 2007

Death and Dieting. Kate Raphael talks to Gina Kolata, sicence writer with the New York Times, about her new book, "Rethinking Thin: The New Science of Weight Loss and the Myths and Realities of Dieting."  Meri Simon interviews Dr. Michelle Peticolas about her four-part documentary series "Secrets of Life and Death." All that plus the … Continued