On today’s episode hosts Cat Brooks and Mitch Jeserich talk to Ruth Conniff, editor-in-chief of The Progressive magazine, about the healthcare bill that the senate is attempting to push through before its July 4th recess. Then Brooks and Jeserich interview Maria Noel Fernandez, the director of the Silicon Valley Rising Campaign, about the negotiations Google is attempting to enter … Continued

Today host Salima Hamirani talks with activist Ripley Marie Bennett, who was arrested during a Black Lives Matter protest in Columbus during Pride, about protests at Pride and why they are important. Then Hamirani speaks with LGBT documentary filmmaker Glenne McElhinney about the history of pride, starting with a police riot at the Stonewall Inn. Finally she … Continued

On today’s show, hosts Cat Brooks and Mitch Jeserich discuss yesterday’s elections in Georgia and South Carolina elections and their implications on the forthcoming Republican healthcare bill. Brooks and Jeserich also talk with Zainab Chaudry, spokeswoman for the Council on American Islamic Relations, about the shocking weekend slaying of Virginia high school student Nabra Hassanen. Civil … Continued

Hosts Cat Brooks and Mitch Jeserich interview Reese Erlich, award-winning independent journalist and author of several books on foreign policy including “Inside Syria: The Backstory of Their Civil War and What the World Can Expect,” about the recent U.S. bombing of a Syrian plane and its repercussions on U.S.-Russia relations. Then, Quinton Sankofa, Staff Collective Member … Continued

On today’s show, hosts Cat Brooks and Mitch Jeserich talk with journalist John Hamilton about Minnesota courts’ decision to acquit Jeronimo Yanez, the officer who shot and killed African American man Philando Castile last year, from second-degree manslaughter. Hamilton was present at the protests which ensued in Minnesota this weekend. Then Brooks and Jeserich interview Mavis Anderson, … Continued

Today host Salima Hamirani interviews East Bay Municipal Utilities District spokesperson Jenesse Miller, as well as Jennifer Clary, Water Programs Manager for Clean Water Action, about EBMUD’s recent announcement that the East Bay’s water supply contains higher-than-normal levels of chlorine byproducts. Then Hamirani talks with Filipino activist Aurora Victoria Herrera David about Filipino President Duterte’s … Continued

On today’s show Mitch Jeserich speaks with John Nichols, he writes about politics for The Nation as its national-affairs correspondent. They are in conversation about the shooting attack on Republican Lawmakers and violence in politics. Then, Cat Brooks talks with Daria Roithmayr about he last book Reproducing Racism: How Everyday hoices Lock in White Advantage.

On today’s show, hosts Mitch Jeserich and Cat Brooks analyze yesterday’s hearings of Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Deputy Attorney General Rob Rosenstein. They recap both what was said in the hearings, and what was not. Then Jeserich and Brooks talk to Oakland Councilmember Rebecca Kaplan, who yesterday put forth a resolution to cut ties between … Continued