0:08 – Each year around Mother’s Day, a national campaign gathers resources to bail black mama’s out of prison. Black women are disproportionately incarcerated across the US, and the impact is magnified as they are often the touchstone of family and community livelihood. The National Bail out campaign (@NationalBailOut) is raising funds and awareness about … Continued

0:08 – Live from the House Judiciary Committee: Democratic Chairman Jerrold Nadler calls a hearing for the markup of Committee report and resolution recommending that the House hold Attorney General Bill Barr in contempt, for refusal to comply with a subpoena to appear to testify on the Mueller report. We broadcast the opening statements live, … Continued

0:08 – Field report from a Gaza neighborhood bombed over the weekend by Rami Almeghari .  0:15 – Phyllis Bennis (@PhyllisBennis) is a Middle East analyst and fellow at the Institute for Policy Studies; her book Understanding the Palestinian-Israeli conflict: A Primer has just been re-released in its 7th edition. 0:30 – Fund Drive Premium: … Continued

0:08 – Mondays with Mitch: Barr and Trump’s attempts to bury the Mueller report. Now up against Congress’ deadline to turn in the full report, this may lead to a constitutional crisis. We discuss perspectives from Democratic Congressional leaders, from Trump, from his Administration and the Republican establishment, and major legal questions of a President … Continued

0:08 – Lull Mengesha is a first-generation African immigrant in America and the creator and writer of Rise and Shine, a new sci-fi TV pilot. He’s also the author of three books that explore race, class and science fiction: The Only Black Student, Lull and His Ladybugs, and Alia Tero: The Many Lives of Darren Datita. … Continued

We had prepared to broadcast the House Judiciary Committee hearing live, featuring Attorney General Bill Barr testifying on the Mueller report, however late yesterday he notified the Committee he would not appear. We spend the two hour program bringing analysis on how this highly unusual move tests the US system of checks and balances, the … Continued

0:08 – Congress held its first ever hearing on Medicare for All yesterday in the House Rules Committee. Washington Democrat Pramila Jayapal sponsored the legislation (H.R. 1384), which envisions a two year transition period during which the US would switch to a single payer system. It would provide comprehensive healthcare coverage including dental, vision, reproductive … Continued

0:08 – Spain’s elections: Socialists win majority, right-wing Vox party win unprecedented seats, and the state of the Catalan independence movement. Joan Ramon Resina is Professor of Iberian and Latin American Cultures and Comparative Literature and Director of the Iberian Studies Program at Stanford University. 0:15 – Newly released government records reveal that the Department of … Continued

0:08 – Mondays with Mitch: terror in a synagogue in Poway, CA, Sunnyvale man targeted Muslims when driving car into pedestrians, hate and politics 0:34 – D. Watkins (@dwatkinsworld) is an editor-at-large for Salon. He’s also a college professor at the University of Baltimore and founder of the BMORE Writers Project. His latest book is … Continued

0:08 – Dorothy Butler Gilliam (@DorothyBGilliam) has been a journalist for more than six decades. In 1961, she became the first black woman reporter for The Washington Post, until the mid-1960s. Later, she became an editor and columnist for the paper until her retirement in 2003. She has just released her memoir Trailblazer: A Pioneering … Continued