The Morning Mix
The Morning Mix – The State of the Environment – Privatization and the Attack on Education. Part 3
With Diane Ravitch, historian of education and educational policy analyst, research professor at New York University.Previously, she was a United States Assistant Secretary of Education. The first conference to examine the privatization of education in California through charters and corporatization of education. Speakers outline the potential criminal violations by charter lobbyingorganizations and their operatives to siphon … Continued
The Morning Mix – The State of the Environment – Privatization and the Attack on Education. Part 2
With Diane Ravitch, historian of education and educational policy analyst, research professor at New York University.Previously, she was a United States Assistant Secretary of Education. The first conference to examine the privatization of education in California through charters and corporatization of education. Speakers outline the potential criminal violations by charter lobbyingorganizations and their operatives to siphon … Continued
The Morning Mix – The State of the Environment – Privatization and the Attack on Education. A four part special.
With Diane Ravitch, historian of education and educational policy analyst, research professor at New York University.Previously, she was a United States Assistant Secretary of Education. The first conference to examine the privatization of education in California through charters and corporatization of education. Speakers outline the potential criminal violations by charter lobbyingorganizations and their operatives to siphon … Continued