Project Censored – September 13, 2024

Project Censored

The News That Didn’t Make the News. Each week, co-hosts Mickey Huff and Eleanor Goldfield conduct in depth interviews with their guests and offer hard hitting commentary on the key political, social, and economic issues of the day with an emphasis on critical media literacy.

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Project Censored

Decoding Democracy: Exploring Critical Media Literacy Education, Independent Journalism, and Civic Engagement

This week we offer a special episode featuring Project Censored’s recent “Decoding Democracy” series, a collection of interviews showcasing media scholars, journalists, and activists discussing how an informed public and an independent press are vital aspects of any free and just society. These excerpts are part of the larger Project Censored aim to empower individuals … Continued

Project Censored

Systemic failure of major disability organizations / What is Marsification?

Eleanor Goldfield hosts this week’s show. July 26 marked the 34th anniversary of the signing of the Americans With Disabilities Act. But is the ADA as far-reaching as it should be? Are the large disability-rights organizations keeping too close to the country’s ruling institutions and, in doing so, defeating their own professed objectives? In the … Continued

Project Censored

Dark Money and Project 2025: A Deep Dive into Political Secrecy and Conservative Ambitions

In the first segment, we learn about the phenomenon of “dark money”: political campaign contributions designed to be difficult or impossible for the public to know about or trace. Mickey talks with media scholar Steve Macek about GOP plans for legislation to make it even easier to keep these contributions secret, as well as the … Continued

Project Censored

Conscience-driven Resignations from the U.S. Military / New Julian Assange Documentary

In the first half of the show, we learn about members of the U.S. military who’ve resigned their posts over moral objections to the U.S. support of Israel’s genocidal assault on Gaza and speak with Palestinian-American Mohammed Abouhashem, a former U.S. Air Force sergeant. He also rebuts claims that Israeli forces attempt to minimize civilian … Continued

Project Censored

Julian Assange is Free / Social Media 2024

In a plea bargain with Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, the Justice Department ended its effort to extradite him to the U.S. for an Espionage Act trial, and Assange, freed from Britain’s Belmarsh Prison, returned home to Australia a free man. The Assange legal case is over, but what are the ongoing implications for press  freedom? … Continued