Guest: Catherine Nixey is a journalist and a classicist. She is the author of The Darkening Age and her latest, Heretic: Jesus Christ and the Other Sons of God. A Timeless Triptych includes Heretic: Jesus Christ and the Other Sons of God by Catherine Nixey; Mortal Republic: How Rome Fell into Tyranny by Edward J. Watts; and Letters & … Continued

Neil Marcus described himself as “a poet, humorist, writer, actor, and adventurer-a fantastic spastic creatively endowed with disability.” He is best known for his groundbreaking autobiographical play, Storm Reading, which he performed nationwide from the Kennedy Center in Washington DC to the Doolittle Theater in Los Angeles. He was commissioned to write a poem on … Continued

Guest: Guest: Ralph Nader is a consumer advocate, lawyer, and political activist.  He hosts The Ralph Nader Radio Hour on the Pacifica Radio Network; and is the author of many books including his latest, “Let’s Start the Revolution: Tools for Displacing the Corporate State and Building a Country that Works for the People.”  Ralph Nader … Continued