Law & Disorder

San Quentin to Become “Rehabilitation Center”; SFPD Response Times Waning; Plus, 20 Years Since the US Invasion of Iraq

We begin our show with a remembrance of the US invasion of Iraq, 20 years ago this week. Then – California Governor Gavin Newsom has announced that San Quentin State Prison will transition into a “rehabilitation” center for the California prison system, transitioning to a service-oriented site that focuses on prisoners who are spending their … Continued

Law & Disorder

Stop Cop City; San Mateo Jails Reduce Mail Access For Prisoners; Plus, Stephon Clark’s Angelversary

We start today’s show with our weekly State Terror Roundup. Then, we go back to Atlanta to discuss the movement to stop Cop City, with Tunde Osazua, a member of the Atlanta chapter of the Black Alliance for Peace (or BAP), and is also a member of BAP’s national coordinating committee. He’s also a part of … Continued

Law & Disorder

Local NAACP ‘Out of Touch’; Plus, The Latest with KPFA’s Mitch Jeserich

On today’s show: Mitch Jeserich is the host of KPFA’s Letters and Politics which airs weekdays from 10-11am on these airwaves. He has been a producer and host for Pacifica for decades. Follow Mitch Jeserich on Twitter: Justin Phillips is a columnist for the San Francisco Chronicle, having worked there since 2016. He recently … Continued

Law & Disorder

Electoral Recalls as a Conservative Tool; Plus, Oakland Teachers Rally on Wed

On today’s show we’ll take a deep dive into the history of electoral recall efforts, and then explore current recall efforts both locally and nationally. We’ll start with a conversation with Kathryn Olmsted, a history professor at UC Davis who studies anti-communist efforts and the roots of modern conservatism. She is the author of four … Continued

Law & Disorder

Removing cops from traffic stops in CA; Plus, 3Girls Theatre’s New Works Festival

We start today’s show with a conversation about California’s current campaigns to remove certain responsibilities from police officers in the latest organizing to defund. That includes a statewide campaign to remove police from traffic stops as well as the recent transition in Oakland to remove police from dealing with abandoned vehicles. We’re joined by James … Continued

Law & Disorder

NJ Police Kill Violence Interruptor Najee Seabrooks; Plus, 6-months of Law & Disorder – Fund Drive Special

We start today’s show with our weekly State Terror Roundup segment. FUND DRIVE SPECIAL – Pledge $120 and receive South to America: A Journey Below the Mason-Dixon to Understand the Soul of a Nation by Imani Perrry.  Then, we go to Paterson, New Jersey, where less than a week ago, police killed violence interruptor Najee Seabrooks. Seabrooks … Continued

Law & Disorder

Comrade Sisters: Women of the Black Panther Party w/ Ericka Huggins – Fund Drive Special

FUND DRIVE SPECIAL – Pledge $350 and receive a copy of the latest book from Ericka Huggins along with Stephen Shames: Comrade Sisters: Women of the Black Panther Party. “This stunning collection of historical photographs, complimented by contemporary conversations with women members of the Black Panther Party, reminds us that women were literally the heart of this … Continued

Law & Disorder

Illustrating Black History with George McCalman – Fund Drive Special

FUND DRIVE SPECIAL – Pledge $200 and receive George McCalman’s Illustrated Black History: Honoring the Iconic and the Unseen. It is a gorgeous collection of 145 original portraits that celebrates Black pioneers — famous and less known — in politics, science, literature, music, and more—with biographical reflections. George McCalman is an artist and creative director based in … Continued

Law & Disorder

Linda Ronstadt – ‘Feels Like Home’ – Winter Fund Drive Special

FUND DRIVE SPECIAL – Pledge $200 and receive Linda Ronstadt’s book Feels Like Home: A Song for the Sonoran Borderlands. Growing up the granddaughter of Mexican immigrants and a descendant of Spanish settlers near northern Sonora, Ronstadt’s new memoir celebrates her rich musical heritage. Linda Ronstadt joins us in this exclusive conversation about her musical upbringing and … Continued