Law & Disorder

The Life of Frederick Douglass w/ David F Walker – Fund Drive Special

We speak with David F. Walker (@DavidWalker1201) is a writer, filmmaker and graphic artist. Today we speak with him about his book The Life of Frederick Douglass: A Graphic Narrative of a Slave’s Journey from Bondage to Freedom. FUND DRIVE SPECIAL – Pledge $100 or more and receive a copy of The Life of Frederick Douglass: A Graphic Narrative … Continued

Law & Disorder

Anniversary of Malcolm X’s Assassination: Ballot or the Bullet – Fund Drive Special

Today is the 58th anniversary of the assassination of Malcolm X at New York City’s Audubon Ballroom in 1965. We spend the day remembering Malcom’s contributions for our struggle against white supremacy by listening to selections from his famed speech that came to be known as “the Ballot or the Bullet”. He gave that speech … Continued

Law & Disorder

White supremacy in the child welfare system w/ Dorothy Roberts

We spend this hour in conversation with Dorothy Roberts about her latest book, Torn Apart: How The Child Welfare System Destroys Black Families—And How Abolition Can Build A Safer World. Dorothy is an internationally acclaimed scholar, activist, and social critic who has written and lectured extensively on the interplay of gender, race, and class in … Continued

Law & Disorder

The FBI’s Counter Intelligence Programs past and present; State Terror Roundup; Plus, a letter from inside San Quentin State Prison

We start today’s episode with our weekly State Terror Roundup. Then, we go to Denver to learn about how the FBI infiltrated Black Lives Matter organizing there. Our guest is Trevor Aaronson, journalist and the author of The Terror Factory: Inside the FBI’s Manufactured War on Terrorism. He is also a contributing writer for The … Continued

Law & Disorder

SFDA drops Chesa Boudin’s charges against killer cop, and SF pays over $20 million in police settlements since 2019; Plus, next week is Black Solidarity Week

In 2017, Keita O’Neil was killed by San Francisco Police Officer Christopher Samayoa, and former SF District Attorney Chesa Boudin had filed historic manslaughter charges against the officer. Brooke Jenkins, the current SF District Attorney, who replaced Chesa Boudin last August after a controversial successful recall effort, has dropped those charges and stated that they … Continued

Law & Disorder

High-risk Feminism in Colombia’s Conflict w/ Julia Margaret Zulver

Despite a well-established tradition of studying women in war, we tend to focus on their roles as mothers or carers, as peacemakers, or sometimes as revolutionaries. On today’s show, we’re in conversation with Julia Margaret Zulver, a Marie Curie fellow at Oxford university and the Universidad Nacional Autonoma in Mexico, whose latest book refocuses on … Continued

Law & Disorder

LAPD doles out death and reinstates controversial chief; Plus, State Terror Roundup and a letter from San Quentin State Prison

We start this show with our usual Thursday State Terror Roundup. Then, in the first few days of 2023, the Los Angeles Police Department murdered three people in two days: Takar Smith, Oscar Sanchez and Keenan Anderson. Takar Smith was in the middle of a mental episode when his wife called the non emergency line … Continued

Law & Disorder

Centrality of slavery in the making of American society w/ ‘genius’ Saidiya Hartman

We spend this show on the legacy of the peculiar institution of chattel slavery that have led to the social and economic structures we live in and under. We’re in conversation with Saidiya Hartman, an American writer and academic focusing on African-American studies, who just re-released her seminal 1997 book for its 25th anniversary, Scenes … Continued

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