
Julian Assange: Countdown to Freedom Continues

Today on Flashpoints: We continue our collaboration with Randy Credico and Live on The Fly: Julian Assange Countdown to Freedom. We’ll have breaking news on the decision by Ecuador to grant nationality to Julian Assange. We’ll speak to Italian investigative journalist, Sefania Maurizi, a close working associate with Julian Assange and with Former FBI whistle blower Colleen Rowley about the Assange case and the negative implications by the House of Rep’s decision to extend the NSA’a warrantless surveillance program

One response to “Julian Assange: Countdown to Freedom Continues

  1. Once Corbyn and Labour are the UK government , Assange will be able to leave Ecuador embassy . However flying to Ecuador would be quite risky with the US owning the skies . If Russia got involved in transporting Assange to Ecuador or Russia the US are not going to shoot down Russian aircraft of ships

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